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This Cypress plugins reports each spec to your Sauce Labs account.

When you run tests with the Cypress CLI, using this plugin, test results and artifacts are uploaded to Sauce Labs.


  • Node 22
  • Cypress


Install from npm:

npm install @saucelabs/cypress-plugin


Sauce Labs Credentials

SAUCE_USERNAME and SAUCE_ACCESS_KEY environment variables need to be set for the plugin to report your results to Sauce Labs. Your Sauce Labs Username and Access Key are available from your dashboard.

Plugin Setup (Cypress 10 and above)

sauce-cypress-plugin is configurable through your cypress config file, e.g. cypress.config.{js, cjs, mjs,ts}.

Example cypress.config.cjs:

const { defineConfig } = require("cypress");

module.exports = defineConfig({
  e2e: {
    setupNodeEvents(on, config) {
      require("@saucelabs/cypress-plugin").default(on, config, {
        region: "us-west-1",
        build: "myBuild",
        tags: ["example1"],
      return config;

Example cypress.config.mjs:

import { defineConfig } from "cypress";
import reporter from "@saucelabs/cypress-plugin";

export default defineConfig({
  e2e: {
    setupNodeEvents(on, config) {
      reporter.default(on, config, {
        region: "us-west-1",
        build: "myBuild",
        tags: ["example1"],
      return config;

Example cypress.config.ts:

import { defineConfig } from "cypress";
import Reporter, { Region } from "@saucelabs/cypress-plugin";

export default defineConfig({
  e2e: {
    setupNodeEvents(on, config) {
      Reporter(on, config, {
        region: Region.USWest1, // us-west-1 is the default
        build: "myBuild",
        tags: ["example1"],
      return config;

Plugin Setup (Cypress 9 and below)

Register the plugin in your project's cypress/plugins/index.js:

module.exports = (on, config) => {
  // Other plugins you may already have.
  // ...
  require("@saucelabs/cypress-plugin").default(on, config, {
    region: "us-west-1",
    build: "myBuild",
    tags: ["example1"],
  return config;

Plugin Options

Name Description Type
build Sets a build ID.
Default: ''
tags Tags to add to the uploaded Sauce job.
Default: []
region Sets the region.
Default: us-west-1
us-west-1 | eu-central-1
artifactUploadDir If specified, automatically upload files from this directory, per spec. e.g. files in {artifactUploadDir}/{specName}/ would be uploaded to the job that ran spec_name. The directory is relative to your cypress config file. The directory will be deleted at the beginning of the next run. Default: undefined string

Run a Test πŸš€

Trigger cypress to run a test

cypress run

The jobs will be reported to Sauce Labs

Jobs reported to Sauce Labs:

  β”‚  Spec                                        Sauce Labs job URL                                                β”‚
  β”‚  cypress/e2e/1-getting-started/  β”‚

Upload Assets Task

This task allows you to upload assets (such as images or logs) to a specific Sauce Labs job associated with the test spec.

Parameter Type Description
spec string Path to the spec file being executed, typically provided by __filename.
assets Asset | Asset[] Can be a single Asset object or an array of Asset objects to be uploaded to Sauce Labs. Each Asset should contain a filename and either a path or data.
assets[].path string Required. Path to the file on the local filesystem (e.g., "pics/this-is-fine.png").
assets[].filename string Optional. The name of the file to upload, as it should appear in Sauce Labs (e.g., "this-is-fine.png"). If not provided, the file path basename is used by default.

Example Usage

it("upload assets", () => {
  // Single file upload.
  cy.task("sauce:uploadAssets", {
    spec: __filename,
    assets: { path: "pics/this-is-fine.png" },

  // Multiple files upload.
  cy.task("sauce:uploadAssets", {
    spec: __filename,
    assets: [
      { path: "pics/this-is-fine.png" },
      { path: "test.txt", filename: "test.log" },

Real-life Example

tests/integration/ folder will present an integration example with Cypress' Kitchensink tests set.



  1. Install dependencies: npm ci
  2. Setup git hooks: npm run prepare. This setups pre-commit hooks to format and lint staged code.
  3. Build: npm run build

Running Locally

There are integration tests included in the project in the tests/integration/ directory:

  1. cd tests/integration
  2. npx cypress run

In the output of the run, the plugin prints out the job URLs where the test results are uploaded to.

You can also use npm link to symlink the plugin into an existing cypress project.


You can run your cypress tests with the environment variable DEBUG="@saucelabs/cypress-plugin:*" to see additional debug output.


New versions are released with a manual GitHub Actions workflow.

  1. Go to
  2. Run the workflow and specify the branch and release type (major, minor, or patch).


Cypress Plugin to report your results directly to Sauce Labs



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