SatisfactoryModLoader Pre-Release 1
Installation instructions:
- Download the xinput1_3.dll file.
- Go to your Satisfactory install folder, go to FactoryGame, Binaries, then Win64.
- Place your xinput1_3.dll file there.
- Run FactoryGame-Win64-Shipping.exe.
- If a console window appeared, SML is good to go!
Upon running for the first time, a mods folder will be generated. Any mod DLLs that you download will go in there.
- Automatic mod loading when the game is started
- Simple to understand mod environment included with the SML source
- Redirection of Satisfactory functions to mods as events
- Easy command registration
- Mod dependencies and relationships through the mod function registry
Note: SML has not been tested in multiplayer and unexpected behavior might occur.
Notable issues
- Logs are still broken
- Configs for mods are not functioning properly