TA2 implementation for CMU
Setup virtualenv
# On Centos 7:
sudo yum install rh-python36-python rh-python36-python-pip rh-python36-python-virtualenv
source /opt/rh/rh-python36/enable
virtualenv env --python=python36
source env/bin/activate
pip install --upgrade pip
pip install --process-dependency-links git+https://gitlab.com/datadrivendiscovery/primitive-interfaces.git
pip install docker grpcio-tools grpcio d3m
- https://gitlab.com/datadrivendiscovery/primitive-interfaces
- https://gitlab.com/datadrivendiscovery/tests-data.git
- https://gitlab.datadrivendiscovery.org/jpl/primitives_repo.git
- https://gitlab.com/datadrivendiscovery/ta3ta2-api
Run TA2 as -
./src/main.py ta2ta3
The repository automatically builds the docker image after each commit. Images are stored in the registry.
The Gitlab continuous integration (CI) manages the building process. There are three configuration files:
- Install docker.
- Check docker
docker --version
- Check docker
git clone git@gitlab.datadrivendiscovery.org:sray/bayesian_optimization.git
- The use of submodule is deprecated since submodule itself doesn’t update unless you manually update it.
- We keep ta3ta2-api-v2 for reference only
- ta3ta2-api-v2 is used in
- You probably want to create a local copy of the shell script in which it points to the latest version of the api repo instead.
- To clone into submodules, run following command at repository top level as a normal user
git submodule sync --recursive git submodule update --init --recursive
Run all commands as root. Create a docker image by running the following commands
docker build -t registry.datadrivendiscovery.org/sheath/cmu-ta2 .
which builds an image with tag latest.
This creates an image--cmu-ta2
--in your machine’s local Docker image registry.
You can build an image with a named tag
docker build -t registry.datadrivendiscovery.org/sheath/cmu-ta2:<tag> .
where <tag>
is the tag name.
List docker images:
docker image ls
Finally, push the image to the D3M registry
docker push registry.datadrivendiscovery.org/sheath/cmu-ta2
# pull the image with "live" tag
# used by summer 2018 eval
docker pull registry.datadrivendiscovery.org/sheath/cmu-ta2:live
# pull the "lasted" image
docker pull registry.datadrivendiscovery.org/sheath/cmu-ta2:latest
The following commands map
Run the docker image, mapping your machine’s port 45042 to the container’s published port 45042 using -p
You can run TA2 image in one of three modes: search
and ta2ta3
This is controlled by the environment variable D3MRUN
If you don't specify D3MRUN
while docker run...
, it runs in ta2ta3
docker run -i -t \
--name d3m-cmu-ta2 \
--mount type=bind,source=</path/to/seed_dataset/on/host>,target=/input \
--mount type=bind,source=</path/to/output/on/host>,target=/output \
-p 45042:45042 \
-e D3MINPUTDIR="</path/to/dataset>" \
-e D3MOUTPUTDIR="</path/to/output_folder>" \
-e D3MCPU=8 \
-e D3MRUN="ta2ta3" \
Below is an example:
docker run -i -t \
--rm \
--name d3m-cmu-ta2 \
-p 45042:45042 \
--mount type=bind,source=/data/data/d3m/dryrun2018summer/input,target=/input \
--mount type=bind,source=/data/data/d3m/dryrun2018summer/output,target=/output \
-e D3MINPUTDIR=/input \
-e D3MOUTPUTDIR=/output \
-e D3MCPU=8 \
-e D3MRUN="ta2ta3" \
docker run -i -t \
--rm \
-p 45042:45042 \
--name d3m-cmu-ta2-search \
--mount type=bind,source=</path/to/seed_dataset/on/host>,target=/input \
--mount type=bind,source=</path/to/output/on/host>,target=/output \
-e D3MINPUTDIR="</path/to/input_folder>" \
-e D3MOUTPUTDIR="</path/to/output_folder>" \
-e D3MCPU=8 \
-e D3MRUN="search" \
Below is an example:
docker run -i -t \
--rm \
--name d3m-cmu-ta2-search \
-p 45042:45042 \
--mount type=bind,source=/data/data/d3m/dryrun2018summer/input/LL0_1100_popularkids,target=/input \
--mount type=bind,source=/data/data/d3m/dryrun2018summer/output,target=/output \
-e D3MINPUTDIR=/input \
-e D3MOUTPUTDIR=/output \
-e D3MCPU=8 \
-e D3MRUN="search" \
docker run -i -t \
--rm \
-p 45042:45042 \
--name d3m-cmu-ta2-test \
--mount type=bind,source=/input,target=/input \
--mount type=bind,source=/output,target=/output \
-e D3MTESTOPT="/output/executables/dcebb3c9-6889-41e2-82b9-8d2d2484d5d5_1.sh" \
-e D3MINPUTDIR="/input/185_baseball" \
-e D3MOUTPUTDIR="/output" \
-e D3MCPU=8 \
-e D3MRUN="test" \
Run the command to produce the score from the executable of pipeline that ranked #1
python evaluate_script.py ./185_baseball/SCORE/targets.csv ../output/predictions/dcebb3c9-6889-41e2-82b9-8d2d2484d5d5_1/predictions.csv Hall_of_Fame F1