This repository provides code for reproducing the figures in the paper:
``Deep Decoder: Concise Image Representations from Untrained Non-convolutional Networks'', by Reinhard Heckel and Paul Hand. Contact:
The paper is available online [here].
The deep decoder is a simple image generating deep neural network. The network is untrained, non-convolutional, and under-parameterized, i.e., it generates images from few paramters. The deep decoder enables image compression and solving invere problems:
The code is written in python and relies on pytorch. The following libraries are required:
- python 3
- pytorch
- numpy
- skimage
- matplotlib
- scikit-image
- jupyter
The libraries can be installed via:
conda install jupyter
author = {Reinhard Heckel and Paul Hand},
title = {Deep Decoder: Concise Image Representations from Untrained Non-convolutional Networks},
journal = {arXiv:?},
year = {2018}
All files are provided under the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0.