gkgfiler(gokigen-filer) make you happy about file operations.
Sometimes it is troublesome to do something sometimes, such as recursively searching for files, replacing parts of files,adding it to the end of the file, checking if the file contains a string, etc.
So compiled those into a function.
import "github.com/sasasaiki/gkgfiler"
func AppendText(path, appendStr string, perm os.FileMode) error
AppendText apeend appendStr at the end of the file
perm is permittion. exsample 0777.
func Contains(filename, findStr string) (bool, error)
Contains return whether file contains findStr
func Exist(path string) bool
Exist is check file exist
func GetGoSrcPath() (string, error)
GetGoSrcPath is get $GOPATH/src
func GetPaths(dir string, includeDir bool, matchingPatterns ...string) (matches []string, e error)
GetPaths get files (and directory if includeDir=true) that match
matchingPatterns exsample "*.go","*.yaml"
if you want all , "*"
func GetPathsRecurcive(dir string, includeDir bool, matchingPatterns ...string) (paths []string, e error)
GetPathsRecurcive recursively find and get files (and directory if
includeDir=true) that match patterns recurcive.
matchingPatterns exsample "*.go","*.yaml"
if you want all , "*"
func IsDir(path string) (bool, error)
IsDir return whether it is directory or notDirectory
func ReplaceText(filename, origin, replace string, perm os.FileMode) error
ReplaceText replace originStr to replaceStr
perm is permittion. exsample 0777.
func WriteText(path, str string, createIfNothing bool, perm os.FileMode) error
WriteText write text to file
When createIfNothing is set to true, a case where it does not exist is created and written
perm is permittion. exsample 0777.