An iOS library to take Backup of the device contacts as .vcf file.
Instructions :
(i) Copy/Include the "SARAddressBookBackup.h" & "SARAddressBookBackup.m" into your project.
(ii) Copy/Include "MessageUI.framework" & "AddressBook.framework" into your project.
That's it. Your done.
Also, the Example project illustrates on how to email the .vcf file.
Installation :
Add the following to your CocoaPods Podfile
pod 'SARAddressBookBackup'
or clone as a git submodule,
or just copy SARAddressBookBackup.h and .m into your project.
Usage :
SARAddressBookBackup *addressBook = [[SARAddressBookBackup alloc]init];
addressBook.backupPath = [self applicationDocumentsDirectory];//(Optional). If not given, then the backup
// file is stored under the Documents directory.
__weak SARAddressBookBackup *addressBook_weak = addressBook;
__weak SARViewController *self_weak = self;
addressBook.backupCompletionStatusBlock = ^(NSString *status){
if ( status == ACCESSDENIED) {
else if ( status == BACKUPFAILED) {
else if ( status == BACKUPSUCCESS) {
NSLog(@"addressBook.backupPath : %@",addressBook_weak.backupPath);
[NSTimer scheduledTimerWithTimeInterval:1.0 target:self_weak selector:@selector(emailBackup:) userInfo:addressBook_weak.backupPath repeats:NO];
[addressBook backupContacts];