A utility for extracting data from electrochemical experimentation datafiles and saving them as CSV files for easier plotting.
- CSaVe-Electrochemical-Data is an x86 app utility that provides batch processing to extract impedance data and column names from DTA files and convert them to comma-separated-values (CSV) files.
- The CSV files have the same name as the DTA files but can be stored in a new, specified folder for easier visualization and analysis.
This project started as a Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) project for use as locally to speed up visualization and analysis of EIS experimental datafiles. However, by adding a paakaging project to the original repository, the project was able to be converted to a Win32 app that could be distributed through the Microsoft Store.
This project was written in C# and XAML using Microsoft Visual Studio 2019.
The app is available here: https://www.microsoft.com/store/productId/9MWJ4GK6S7ZK
- Add the capability to extract data for the following filetypes:
Corrosion potentialCyclic polarizationPotentiodynamic polarizationCyclic voltammetryPotentiostatic EISGalvanostatic EISBiPotentiostat RDEGalvanostaticPotentiostatic
- Add support for other manufacturers datafiles - if they aren't already easily plottable
- Add plotting scripts for some common plotting packages