The EarthServer Client is one of the lighthouse applications of EarthServer.
The application uses Yeoman which integrates:
- Yo : scaffolds out the application, writing the Grunt configuration and pulling in relevant Grunt tasks that you might need for your build.
- Grunt : which allows building, previewing and testing the project
- Bower : which allows managing of dependencies and automatic download, thus making the application easily extendable.
Get the code from GitHub EarthServer Client repository:
git clone
Install development enviroment:
Make sure Node.js and NPM are installed on your machine and run:
cd ./earthserver-client sudo npm install -g grunt-cli sudo npm install -g bower npm install
These commands install the needed Node.js packages. In case of any trouble try to use reasonable recent version of Node.js. Also note that newer versions of Node.js contain the NPM already bundled in the baseline installation.
Install client dependencies:
The required JavaScript librabries can be installed by:
bower install
Start the Grunt development server:
grunt server
this should automatically open a the client on your default web browser, if not point your browser to localhost:9000.
If you managed to reach this the last step you can start to hack the code. The development server by grunt watches for saved changes in the code and will update the page automatically.
Create deployment package:
grunt build
This command creates
directory containing the produced deployment version. This directory should be then packed by some archiving tool (zip
... etc.) creating the deployment package. -
Put the content of the deployment package to your server and make sure the web server can access the