This website is made as a part of project 2 of Udacity full stack nanodegree program. This project creates a responsive website that has links to all the portfolio projects created as a part of Udacity full stack nanodegree program. File index.html defines the basic structure of the page. Styling to this page is given in an external CSS file main.css
A plain text editor like Sublime is required to open and view the code. Any web browser is required to view the output.
If the prerequisites are met, follow the steps below to run the portfolio website.
- Click on the green color button on repository to clone or download the git repository to your computer.
- Unpack the zip file.
- Navigate to the location of index.html
- Double click index.html to open the web page in your browser.
Click on the link to see the code now:
- Santhini S - index.html,main.css