This website is made as a part of project 1 of Udacity full stack nanodegree program This project takes different movies as instances to a class movie and renders a movie trailer website as output. Module is used to define a class 'Movie', its data members and member functions. Module is used to create instances to the class Movie and add them to a list. This list is passed as an argument to, a file given by udacity which renders the movie trailers web page.
Python 2.7 is required to view the code. A web browser is required to view the output.
After installing the softwares mentioned above, follow the steps below to run the movie trailers website.
- Open the console- Terminal for mac and linux, Command prompt for windows.
- Click on the green color button on repository to clone or download the git repository to your computer.
- Unpack the zip file.
- Navigate to the location of zip file in your console.
- Type the command
- The code will run and open the web page in your browser.
Click on the link to see the code now:
- Santhini S -,
- Udacity -