Demo link : demo
Description: Inpixelitrust blank theme for starting a WordPress project based on Randy Jensen & Randy Hoyt HTML5 starter theme with other goodies added plus chunks of Paul Irish's HTML5 Boilerplate and pieces of Raphael Goetter's knacss in it More details about the theme can be found here
Specificities of the theme
- Uses Paul Irish's conditionnal tags for IE
- Uses Raphael Goetter's knacss for the basic layout
- Default full screen, one left sidebar template and a right sidebar template for pages
- Responsive two levels menu using media queries and jQuery (based on multi toggle navigation)
- Embeds the Wp-cleanup-enhanced code (you can't use both plugin version and in template, so if you use the plugin please comment the line that calls the functions/wordpress_cleanup.php in functions.php)
- Embeds the Remove comments absolute plugin (you can comment the line that calls unctions/remove-comments-absolute.php in functions.php to disable it)
- Embeds ready to use script clean up functions functions/script_style_cleanups.php
- Embeds a starting template for a custom option page functions/theme-options.php
- Embeds a starting template for custom post types functions/custom_post_types.php
- Embeds a version of modernizr, you can change the script in js/modernizr.custom.js
- Embeds functions, CSS, and images for the customisation of the admin area (css/custom_admin.css) and the login page (css/custom_login.css)
- Enables now updates from WordPress directly, you'll have to install Theme Updater. For more information see tutorial hier
- Under GPL V2 Licence
Big Thanks to JM for the French translations ! Big Thanks to for many little updates Geoffrey C.
- v1.4 :
- Add a "Continue Reading" like to the excerpt
- Change the entry-meta, now they are split and can be used one by one
- Corrected some FR translations
- v1.2 :
- Removed the full-page-template : now all pages are full page by default
- Added right-sidebar-page : if you need a right sidebar
- Made it work with single.php