A calculator that works only 33.33% of the time.
As a normal calculator, but every time you push a number, the whole board changes, just to make life harder. Oh and also, the result you get might not be correct.
If you have an Android device, you can download the APK right here. If you have an iPhone, you just can't lol. You can also clone this repo like this:
# Clone repository
$ git clone https://github.com/samuelmarina/useles-calculator.git
$ cd useless-calculator
And then just run it
# Install required packages
$ yarn install || npm install
# Run Expo
$ expo start
# Press a for Android emulator, or i for iOS simulator
# Or run it in your device using the other Expo options (e.g. QR code)
- Samuel Mariña
This project is made to be part of my series called "Useless Apps", not meant to be serious, but just useless. They're fun, but probably they don't work too well.