Paystack gem for Ruby api only application
Simply add this line to your application's Gemfile:
gem 'paystackapi'
And then execute:
bundle install
Or install it yourself as:
gem install paystackapi
You may need to install Dotenv to set you environmental variables. Set the requirements in your controller files where needed.
require 'paystackapi'
require 'dotenv/load'
def validate_payment
paystack_ref = params[:reference_code] # get payment ref after initializing payment from the frontend
verify = Paystackapi::PaystackTransactions.verify(paystack_ref)
Paystackapi::PaystackTransactions.list # list all transactions
Paystackapi::PaystackTransactions.totals # show transaction totals
Paystackapi::PaystackTransactions.list_single(arg) # list single transaction
Paystackapi::PaystackTransactions.charge(arg) # charge authorization from card
def customers
customerEmail = params[:customer_email]
customer = Paystackapi::PaystackCustomers.create(customerEmail)
Paystackapi::PaystackCustomers.list #list all customers
Paystackapi::PaystackCustomers.list_single(arg) #get by id
def plans
createPlan = {
CustomerName = params[:name]
interval = params[:interval]
amount = params[:amount]
customer = Paystackapi::PaystackPlans.create(createPlan)
Paystackapi::PaystackPlans.list #list all paystack plans
Paystackapi::PaystackPlans.list_single(arg) #get by id
Paystackapi::PaystackPlans.update(arg) #update plan by id
def subscription
createSub = {
CustomerToken = "CUS_xnxdt6s1zg1f4nx"
planCode = "PLN_gx2wn530m0i3w3m"
customer = Paystackapi::PaystackSubscription.create(createSub)
Paystackapi::PaystackSubscription.list #list all subs
Paystackapi::PaystackSubscription.list_single(arg) #get subs by id
Paystackapi::PaystackSubscription.disable #disable subs
Paystackapi::PaystackSubscription.enable #enable subs
def transfer
createTrans = {
type = "nuban" #use params[:something] to get the parameters from your endpoint
name = "Raz"
description = "Razite"
account_number = "01000000419"
bank_code = "044"
currency = "NGN"
transfer = Paystackapi::PaystackTransfer.generate(createTrans)
Paystackapi::PaystackTransfer.list_reciept #list all transfers Reciept
Paystackapi::PaystackTransfer.update_reciept(arg, arg) #update reciept
Paystackapi::PaystackTransfer.initailize(arg) #initalize a transfer (triggers an otp here)
Paystackapi::PaystackTransfer.list_transfer #list all transfers
Paystackapi::PaystackTransfer.finalize(arg) #finalize a transfer
Paystackapi::PaystackBank.list_banks #list all Nigerian Banks
Please feel free to fork this package and contribute by submitting a pull request to enhance the functionalities.
I'm Sam, find me on twitter.
The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.