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samo_lego edited this page Jul 3, 2020 · 5 revisions

WebCommander Features

Let's assume

var myConsole = new WebCommander("myConsoleDiv");



  • help - prints available commands into the console
  • ? - same as help

Those are created with every WebCommander object, but they act differently across terminals. E.g. If you've declared mycmd in myConsole, typing help in myConsole will show it as available command, but won't in myConsole2.


  • myConsole.writeLine("New Console Line Text", "color") - writes a new line to console, color is any valid css color



  • hide - hides console from existence. (style.display = "none")
  • clear - clears all mess you've created in console
  • cd - changes directories across site
  • pwd - prints "working directory"
  • ping - prints your ping
  • extend - extends console height
  • shrink - opposite of extend
  • sudo - allows you to run superuser command
  • su - switches users, defaults to root

Superuser commands

Those require superuser access, which is activated either by using sudo or su-ing to root user.

  • kill - kills the webpage
  • exit - same as kill
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