Developer-friendly way to automate React component documentation (including automation of props tables & examples).
import SomeMarkdownFile from "./";
anotherProps={() => {
- Webpack
- React 16.2.0 or greater
The below demo video will demonstrate how to document any component; in the below example I used ReactTable by react-tools
"App.js" :
import SomeMarkdownFile from "./";
const YourReactComponent = () => (
propString="Ipsum lorem ;)"
propFunc={() => {
export default YourReactComponent;
- Import markdown using ES6 import statements.
- Render React components with JSX fence blocks in your markdown.
- Optional: show React component's JSX source below render.
- Edit sources of renders on-the-fly in your browser.
- Apply CSS to page directly from within your Markdown files using fence blocks.
- Import other React components, or even any other modules into your markdown files.
- Display line numbers in source code.
npm install axe-markdown-loader --save-dev
or if you use yarn:
yarn add axe-markdown-loader --dev
Add to your webpack module/rules configuration:
test: /\.md/ ,
loader: ['babel-loader', 'axe-markdown-loader'] ,
exclude: /node_modules/
module.exports = {
output: {
path: path.resolve(__dirname, 'build'),
filename: '[name].js'
module: {
rules: [
{ test: /\.js$/, exclude: /node_modules/, loader: 'babel-loader' },
{ test: /\.md/, exclude: /node_modules/, loader: ['babel-loader', 'axe-markdown-loader'] },
@import "~axe-markdown-loader/src/themes/dark.theme";
or use light theme:
@import "~axe-markdown-loader/src/themes/light.theme";
# A title
<div className="the-best-class-ever">
``` .
Add "show-source" next to fence block language name:
# A title
```jsx show-source
``` .
Use #{....} template blocks to inject variables
```jsx show-source
<div>#{ 500 * 500 }</div>
<div className="#{props.someClassName}">hello</div>
#{true ? `<div className="visible">hello #{5 * 5}</div>` : ""}
``` .
'reduce': 'reduce-object'
'TestComponent': './TestComponent'
```jsx show-source
someProp="lorem ipsum"
``` .
Add "no-render" next to fence block:
'reduce': 'reduce-object'
'TestComponent': './TestComponent'
```jsx show-source no-render
someProp="lorem ipsum"
``` .
The following will turn the page's background red:
# Paint it red!
```scss show-source
body {
background: red;
``` .
Add "no-render" if you don't want to apply your scss styles:
```scss show-source no-render
body {
background: red;
``` .
When writing markdown examples, use ~~~ to open/close your fence blocks:
# Writing markdown fence blocks
```md show-source
# Title
## The subtitle
body {
``` .
Add "no-line-numbers" if you don't want display the line numbers in the source code:
# A title
```jsx show-source no-line-numbers
<div className="the-best-class-ever">
``` .
Automatically generate PropsTable by using axe-prop-types.
This requires installing axe-prop-types & configuring webpack by following instructions here: axe-prop-types
--- .
'ReactLoginPanel': 'react-login-panel'
--- .
## PropTypes