Xtractor is a simple script written in python to extract the download links of your favorite TV show from todaytvseries6.com by skipping annoying link shorteners.
This script will crawl and extract the relavent download links based on the user selections and store them in a text file called "links.txt". Later on you can import this text file which containing the download links into your favourite download manager and begin downlading your shows.
- It's easy to use.
- You can skip annoying link shorteners.
- You can extract download links of an entire season at once. Therefore you don't have to waste your time on downloading episodes one by one.
# clone the repo
$ git clone https://github.com/sameera-madushan/Xtractor.git
# change the working directory to Xtractor
$ cd Xtractor
# install the requirements
$ pip3 install -r requirements.txt
You can also download the compiled version from Releases tab
python xtractor.py
- Please ⭐️ this repository if this project helped you!
- Contributions of any kind welcome!
Xtractor is made with ♥ by @__sa_miya__ and it is released under the GPL-3.0 license.