To get this up and running you need to to use composer.
Download composer
curl -s http :// | php
Then install the dependencies
php composer.phar install
To run the tests run the following command in the terminal
vendor/phpunit/phpunit/phpunit test
To run functional tests you need to type in the following. This will only run the functional tests. You need to submit your own token for this to work though. Which you can do in the following path: test/serverdensity/Tests/functional/TestCase
vendor/phpunit/phpunit/phpunit --group functional test
use serverdensity\Client;
$client = new Client();
// A basic call to view devices
$devices = $client->api('devices')->all();
The following verbs exist
- Create - creating a resource, takes an array
- Delete - deleting a resource, takes an ID
- View - viewing a single resource, taken an ID
- All - view all resources
- Update - updating a resource, takes fields that needs updating.
- Search (for some endpoints).