Fast-ML is a Python package with numerous inbuilt functionalities to make the life of a data scientist much easier
fast_ml follow Scikit-learn type functionality with fit() and transform() methods to first learn the transforming parameters from training dataset and then transforms the training/validation/test dataset
Important Note : You learn the parameter by applying fit() method ONLY on train method and then apply transform on train/valid/test dataset. Be it Missing Value Imputation, Outliers, Feature Engineering for Numerical/Categorical ... Parameters are learned from the training dataset on which the model trains.
pip install fast_ml
- Utilities
- Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA)
- Missing Data Analysis
- Missing Data Imputation
- Outlier Treatment
- Feature Engineering
- Feature Selection
- Model Development
- Model Evaluation
- df : Dataframe, refers to dataset used for analysis
- variable : str, refers to a single variable. As required in the function it has to be passed ex 'V1'
- variables : list type, refers to list of variables. Must be passed as list ex ['V1', 'V2]. Even a single variable has to be passed in list format. ex ['V1']
- target : str, refers to target variable
- model : str, ML problem type. use 'classification' or 'clf' for classification problems and 'regression' or 'reg' for regression problems
- method : str, refers to various techniques available for Missing Value Imputation, Feature Engieering... as available in each module
from fast_ml.utilities import reduce_memory_usage, display_all
# reduces the memory usage of the dataset by optimizing for the datatype used for storing the data
train = reduce_memory_usage(train, convert_to_category=False)
- reduce_memory_usage(df, convert_to_category = False)
- This function reduces the memory used by dataframe
- display_all(df)
- Use this function to show all rows and all columns of dataframe. By default pandas only show top and bottom 20 rows, columns
from fast_ml import eda
from fast_ml import eda
train = pd.read_csv('train.csv')
# One of the most useful dataframe summary view
summary_df = eda.df_info(train)
- eda.df_info(df)
- Returns a dataframe with useful summary - variables, datatype, number of unique values, sample of unique values, missing count, missing percent
- eda.df_cardinality_info(df, raw_data = True)
- Returns a dataframe with useful summary - variables, datatype, number of unique values, sample of unique values, missing count, missing percent
- eda.df_missing_info(df, raw_data = True)
- Returns a dataframe with useful summary - variables, datatype, number of unique values, sample of unique values, missing count, missing percent
from fast_ml import eda
train = pd.read_csv('train.csv')
#one line of command to get commonly used plots for all the variables provided to the function
eda.numerical_plots_with_target(train, num_vars, target, model ='clf')
- eda.numerical_describe(df, variables=None, method='10p')
- Dataframe with variouls count, mean, std and spread statistics for all the variables passed in input
- eda.numerical_variable_detail(df, variable, model = None, target=None, threshold = 20)
- Various summary statistics, spread statistics, outlier, missing values, transformation diagnostic... a detailed analysis for a single variable provided as input
- eda.numerical_plots(df, variables, normality_check = False)
- Uni-variate plots - Variable Distribution of all the numerical variables provided as input with target. Can also get the Q-Q plot for assessing the normality
- eda.numerical_plots_with_target(df, variables, target, model)
- Bi-variate plots - Scatter plot of all the numerical variables provided as input with target.
- eda.numerical_check_outliers(df, variables=None, tol=1.5, print_vars = False)
- eda.numerical_bins_with_target(df, variables, target, model='clf', create_buckets = True, method='5p', custom_buckets=None)
- Useful for deciding the suitable binning for numerical variable. Displays 2 graphs 'overall event rate' & 'within category event rate'
from fast_ml import eda
train = pd.read_csv('train.csv')
#one line of command to get commonly used plots for all the variables provided to the function
eda.categorical_plots_with_target(train, cat_vars, target, add_missing=True, rare_tol=5)
- eda.categorical_variable_detail(df, variable, model = None, target=None, rare_tol=5)
- Various summary statistics, missing values, distributions ... a detailed analysis for a single variable provided as input
- eda.categorical_plots(df, variables, add_missing = True, add_rare = False, rare_tol=5)
- Uni-variate plots - distribution of all the categorical provided as input
- eda.categorical_plots_with_target(df, variables, target, model='clf', add_missing = True, rare_tol1 = 5, rare_tol2 = 10)
- Bi-variate plots - distribution of all the categorical provided as input with target
- eda.categorical_plots_with_rare_and_target(df, variables, target, model='clf', add_missing=True, rare_tol1=5, rare_tol2=10)
- Bi-variate plots - distribution of all the categorical provided as input with target with 2 inputs as rare threshold. Useful for deciding the rare bucketing
- eda.categorical_plots_for_miss_and_freq(df, variables, target, model = 'reg')
- Uni-variate plots - distribution of all the categorical provided as input with target with 2 inputs as rare threshold. Useful for deciding the rare bucketing
from fast_ml.missing_data_analysis import MissingDataAnalysis
- explore_numerical_imputation (variable)
- explore_categorical_imputation (variable)
from fast_ml.missing_data_imputation import MissingDataImputer_Numerical, MissingDataImputer_Categorical
from fast_ml.missing_data_imputation import MissingDataImputer_Numerical
train = pd.read_csv('train.csv')
num_imputer = MissingDataImputer_Numerical(df, method = 'median')
#Scikit-learn type fit() transform() functionality
# Use fit() only on the train dataset, num_vars)
# Use transform() on train/test dataset
train = num_imputer.transform(train)
test = num_imputer.transform(test)
- Methods:
- 'mean'
- 'median'
- 'mode'
- 'custom_value'
- 'random'
- fit(df, num_vars)
- transform(df)
from fast_ml.missing_data_imputation import MissingDataImputer_Categorical
train = pd.read_csv('train.csv')
cat_imputer = MissingDataImputer_Categorical(df, method = 'frequent')
#Scikit-learn type fit() transform() functionality
# Use fit() only on the train dataset, cat_vars)
# Use transform() on train/test dataset
train = cat_imputer.transform(train)
test = cat_imputer.transform(test)
- Methods:
- 'frequent' or 'mode'
- 'custom_value'
- 'random'
- fit(df, cat_vars)
- transform(df)
from fast_ml.outlier_treatment import OutlierTreatment
- Methods:
- 'iqr' or 'IQR'
- 'gaussian'
- fit(df, num_vars)
- transform(df)
from fast_ml.feature_engineering import FeatureEngineering_Numerical, FeatureEngineering_Categorical, FeatureEngineering_DateTime
from fast_ml.feature_engineering import FeatureEngineering_Categorical
num_binner = FeatureEngineering_Numerical(method = '10p', adaptive = True)
#Scikit-learn type fit() transform() functionality
# Use fit() only on the train dataset, num_vars)
# Use transform() on train/test dataset
train = num_binner.transform(train)
test = num_binner.transform(test)
- Methods:
- '5p' : [0,5,10,15,20,25,30,35,40,45,50,55,60,65,70,75,80,85,90,95,100]
- '10p' : [0, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100]
- '20p' : [0, 20, 40, 60, 80, 100]
- '25p' : [0, 25, 50, 75, 100]
- '95p' : [0, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 95, 100]
- '98p' : [0, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 95, 98, 100]
- 'custom' : Custom Buckets
- fit(df, num_vars)
- transform(df)
from fast_ml.feature_engineering import FeatureEngineering_Categorical
rare_encoder_5 = FeatureEngineering_Categorical(method = 'rare')
#Scikit-learn type fit() transform() functionality
# Use fit() only on the train dataset, cat_vars, rare_tol=5)
# Use transform() on train/test dataset
train = rare_encoder_5.transform(train)
test = rare_encoder_5.transform(test)
- Methods:
- 'rare_encoding' or 'rare'
- 'label' or 'integer'
- 'count'
- 'freq'
- 'ordered_label'
- 'target_ordered'
- 'target_mean'
- 'target_prob_ratio'
- 'target_woe'
- fit(df, cat_vars, target=None, rare_tol=5)
- transform(df)
from fast_ml.feature_engineering import FeatureEngineering_DateTime
dt_encoder = FeatureEngineering_DateTime()
#Scikit-learn type fit() transform() functionality
# Use fit() only on the train dataset, datetime_vars, prefix = 'default')
# Use transform() on train/test dataset
train = dt_encoder.transform(train)
test = dt_encoder.transform(test)
- fit(df, datetime_variables, prefix = 'default')
- transform(df)
from fast_ml.feature_selection import get_constant_features
constant_features = get_constant_features(df, threshold=0.99, dropna=False)
# constant_features is a dataframe
# to get list of constant features
constant_feats = (constant_features['Var'].to_list()
- get_constant_features(df, threshold=0.99, dropna=False)
- get_duplicate_features(df)
- get_correlated_pairs(df, threshold=0.9)
- recursive_feature_elimination(model, X_train, y_train, X_valid, y_valid, X_test, y_test)
- variables_clustering (df, variables, method)
from fast_ml.model_development import train_valid_test_split
X_train, y_train, X_valid, y_valid, X_test, y_test = train_valid_test_split(df, target = target,
train_size=0.8, valid_size=0.1, test_size=0.1)
# Get the shape of all the datasets
print(X_train.shape), print(y_train.shape)
print(X_valid.shape), print(y_valid.shape)
print(X_test.shape), print(y_test.shape)
- train_valid_test_split(df, target, train_size=0.8, valid_size=0.1, test_size=0.1, method='random', sort_by_col = None, random_state=None)
- all_classifiers(X_train, y_train, X_valid, y_valid, X_test=None, y_test=None, threshold_by = 'ROC AUC' ,verbose = True)
from fast_ml.model_evaluation import threshold_evaluation
threshold_df = threshold_evaluation(y_true, y_prob, start=0, end=1, step_size=0.1)
- model_save (model, model_name)
- model_load (model_name)
- plot_confidence_interval_for_data (model, X)
- plot_confidence_interval_for_variable (model, X, y, variable)
- threshold_evaluation(y_true, y_prob, start=0, end=1, step_size=0.1)
- metrics_evaluation(y_true, y_pred_prob=None, y_pred=None, threshold=None, df_type='train')