Yes, Salt can Salt itself!
Table of Contents
See the full SaltStack Formulas installation and usage instructions.
If you are interested in writing or contributing to formulas, please pay attention to the Writing Formula Section.
If you want to use this formula, please pay attention to the FORMULA
file and/or git tag
which contains the currently released version. This formula is versioned according to Semantic Versioning.
See Formula Versioning Section for more details.
Commit message formatting is significant!!
Please see :ref:`How to contribute <CONTRIBUTING>` for more details.
Install a minion
Install a master.
Install a syndic.
Install salt cloud.
Install salt-ssh with roster file. Configure pillar data under salt:ssh_roster to feed the template.
Install salt api Requisite: Configure salt-master with rest_cherrypy or rest_tornado.
Install a minion and configure it in standalone mode.
Install gitfs backend dulwich dependencies. Set salt:master:gitfs_provider: dulwich
in your pillar.
Install gitfs backend GitPython dependenciess. Set salt:master:gitfs_provider: gitpython
in your pillar.
Install ssh keys to be used by gitfs
Install gitfs backend libgit2/pygit2 dependenciess. Set salt:master:gitfs_provider: pygit2
in your pillar.
For EL distributions, pygit is installed from packages from EPEL.
It is recommended to use SaltStack repository for Debian, RedHat, and SuSE, to benefit from the latest stable salt release. Refer to official documentation at <>`_.
Undo the effects of salt.pkgrepo
on Debian, RedHat, and SuSE.
Clone selected Salt formulas
Git repositories under /srv/formulas
and makes them available in the
relevant file_roots
settings. Pillar data can be used to customize all
paths, URLs, etc.
Here's a minimal pillar sample installing two formulas in the base environment.
salt_formulas: list: base: - salt-formula - openssh-formula
See pillar.example for an exhaustive list of settings available via pillar. Note that by default this state:
- downloads the latest formulas from the saltstack-formulas project on GitHub.
- does not update the local repositories after the initial clone. This is a safety measure since you do not control how the official repositories evolve.
If you configure the state to download the formulas from repositories that
you control, then you can safely enable the
pillar setting to True
Every option available in the templates can be set in pillar. Settings under 'salt' will be overridden by more specific settings under salt['master']
, salt['minion']
or salt['cloud']
. Options specified in salt['minion']
which are not present in the default configuration file will be added to the end of the configuration file.
salt: ret_port: 4506 master: user: saltuser ... minion: user: saltuser ... cloud: providers: ec2 ...
Additional templates can be added by the user under salt/files/minion.d and master.d. This might be useful if, for example, a recently-added configuration option is not yet provided by the default template.
Executing the provided Vagrantfile will create a Ubuntu 14.04 VM, add the default Saltstack Repository and install the current stable version.
The folders inside the VM will be set up in a way that enables you to simply execute 'sudo salt "*" state.highstate' to apply the salt formula to the VM, using the pillar.example config. You can check /etc/salt/ for results.
Remember, you will have to run state.highstate
or state.sls salt.(master|minion|cloud)
As MacOS has no native package management that pkg.installed can leverage appropriately, and brew does not count, the salt.minion state manages salt minion package upgrades by way of .pkg file download which is then installed using the macpackage.installed state.
salt-minion packages on MacOS will not be upgraded by default. To enable package management you must set the following at a minimum,
install_packages: True version: 2017.7.4 salt_minion_pkg_source:
install_packages must indicate that the installation of a package is desired. If so, version will be used to compare the version of the installed .pkg against the downloaded one. If version is not set and a salt.pkg is already installed the .pkg will not be installed again.
A future update to the formula may include extraction of version from the downloaded .pkg itself; but for the time being you MUST set version to indicate what you believe it to be.
Refer to pillar.example for more information.
Linux testing is done with kitchen-salt
Creates the docker instance and runs the template
main state, ready for testing.
Runs the inspec
tests on the actual instance.
Removes the docker instance.
Runs all of the stages above in one go: i.e. destroy
+ converge
+ verify
+ destroy
Gives you SSH access to the instance for manual testing.