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This is a simple linear regression model and it is designed to predict house prices in California.
Jupyter Notebook 1
Forked from firstcontributions/first-contributions
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Video Games Data is a project that provides video game related data to explore and analyze for data enthusiasts, data scientists and machine learning practitioners.
Forked from Davidportlouis/house_price_prediction
Machine learning model to predicted rent of houses using potential features and LinearRegression, on dataset provided by StreetEasy
Forked from learningOrchestra/mlToolKits
learningOrchestra is a distributed Machine Learning integration tool that facilitates and streamlines iterative processes in a Data Science project.
Forked from jishnusaurav/Classification-of-Iris-Flowers
This is a machine learning project in python that classifies Iris flowers into the species type on the basis of their dimensions using K -nearest neighbors algorithm.