Welcome to the Hangman Out Game! This project is a simple implementation of the classic Hangman game in Python. In this game, the player tries to guess the word by suggesting letters within a certain number of chances.
To run this game, you need Python installed on your system. This code is compatible with Python 3.x. You can download Python from the official website.
No additional libraries are required to run this project.
To start the game, follow these steps:
- Clone the repository to your local machine using Git:
git clone https://github.com/saitejasri1/Hang-Man-Out-Game-Python.git
- Navigate to the cloned repository: cd [YourRepositoryName]
- Run the game with Python: python hangman_game.py Follow the on-screen instructions to play the game. You will be asked to guess letters to figure out the hidden word.
Random word selection from a predefined list. Limited chances to guess the word correctly. Dynamic display of guessed letters and remaining blanks. Contributing
Contributions to this project are welcome! Here are a few ways you can help:
Report bugs and issues. Suggest enhancements. Add more words to the word list. Improve the game's code for better performance or readability.