The simple elegant way to send emails from a Sails application
npm i sails-hook-mail --save
In your Sails action you can use the send
helper like so:
await sails.helpers.mail.send.with({
subject: 'Verify your email',
template: 'email-verify-account',
templateData: {
token: user.emailProofToken,
fullName: user.fullName
Mail supports a couple of mailers including:
- log
To use Mail, create a config/mail.js
and specify your default mailer as well as the mailers you'd like to support in your Sails application like so:
module.exports.mail = {
default: process.env.MAIL_MAILER || 'log',
mailers: {
smtp: {
transport: 'smtp'
log: {
transport: 'log'
from: {
address: process.env.MAIL_FROM_ADDRESS || '',
name: process.env.MAIL_FROM_NAME || 'The Boring JavaScript Stack'
A big thank you to all our partners for their contributions and efforts in making Sails Mail development possible.
Interested in becoming an Email Partner of Sails Mail? Email Kelvin at with the subject "Become Sails Mail Partner".