An example app for my Pluralsight course.
There are a couple of tasks before you can just run the project:
If you don't have the Entity Framework Core tools installed for .NET 3.0, you'll need to:
C:/>dotnet tool install --global dotnet-ef
Then you can build the database by running this in the root of the project (at a console):
C:/>dotnet ef database update
Then you'll need to ensure you have the Vue CLI installed. Open a console and type:
C:/>npm install @vue/cli -g
Once that is installed, you can build the vue project by opening a console in the root of the source folder and typing:
C:/>npm run build
You could also watch changes to the Vue project by calling:
C:/>npm run watch
Though for the Pluralsight course, you won't need to update the Vue project at all.