This module makes it possible to convert music intervals in so-called "simple format",
into a coordinate in the format [octaves, fifth]
, which represents how many
octaves and fifths you need to "jump" before arriving at the interval.
For example P1
means "perfect unison", and so the coordinate would be [0, 0]
because there's no movement.
Another example, M3
means "major third" and the coordinate is [-2, 4]
This means that in order to travel a "major third" up, you first go 2
octaves down, and then 4 fifths up
This way of representing intervals and notes is a powerful one, and it lets us take advantage of numeric computations instead of string-parsing and long if/else statements
var icoords = require('interval-coords');
icoords('P1') // perfect unison -> [0, 0]
icoords('M3') // major third -> [-2, 4]
icoords('P8') // perfect octave -> [1, 0]
icoords('m13') // minor 13th -> [4, -4]
// You can also use "negative" intervals (going down)
icoords('m-2') // downwards minor second -> [-3, 5]
Given a string
with a "simple format" interval, it returns the corresponding
coordinate vector of that interval.
A simple interval is a string in the following format:
dd, d, m, P, M, A, AA
followed by an optional -
sign (for negative intervals), followed by the
of the interval.
Not all combinations are valid, e.g. P3 (a "perfect third") doesn't make sense, but P4 ("perfect fourth") does.