This project is under construction by Steven Checo
These instructions will help you to work in the most effective way, please follow those instruction to know how to do it
- You must clone the repo in your computer
Git clone
- Create a branch to work with
Git checkout branch -b <branch-name>
- Branch Name always must be like
Feature/< owner-name >_< issue-reference >
All branch must be related to an issue, please work a branch per issue
When update the Database, run this command line to re-create de context
Scaffold-DbContext "<SQL Connection>" Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.SqlServer -OutputDir Models -force
- After re-create the context, delete o comment OnConfiguring on DB Context, it will take the connection from appsettings.json
- Read the lastest Pull Request to know what changed, update your main branch and create you branch to work with
- Never do a merge and commit to a Pull Request before write the documentation for been working for, This is good to let other knows how to continuous working
- You are free to create issue for everything you want to do in the project
- Don't work in the same branch of another developer if it not necessary
- Don't do Pull of your branch with appssecrets declared on appconstant.cs, those variables will be filled on Azure DevOps
- ASP.Net Core API - .Net Core, a Cross-Platform Framework
- SQL Server - Database Environment
- AutoFac - IoC Container for .Net
- AutoMapper - An Object - Object Mapper
- Steven Checo - Initial work - sact1909