Tetris written in Javascript/ES6 using Pixi.js and OOP practices.
- tetromino falling down to the bottom of board
- player can move tetromino horizontally by pressing left and right keys
- player can accelerate falling tetromino by pressing down key
- player can rotate tetromino by 90 degreess by pressing up key
- lines filled with blocks disappearing
- for every line filled with blocks player get points
- increasing levels by collecting points
- higher level - faster falling tetromino
Clone the repository:
git clone https://github.com/rybeusz/tetris-es6-pixijs.git
Install the dependencies:
npm install
Start the development server (with hot reloading enabled):
npm start
After the initial build, navigate to localhost:8080.
(Any changes you make to the source code files will automatically trigger a rebuild and reload the page.)
To build the application and optimise for production:
npm run build
This will copy all build artifacts to the dist/
(You may run into CORS errors when trying to open the dist/index.html
directly. Make sure to serve this folder using a file server instead, or wrap
everything inside another framework of your choice for distribution.)