This custom implementation of the MTurk-API introduces a wide array of new functionalities that are not part of the MTurk-Website. The goal is to create a feature rich alternative to the native MTurk solution.
You will need an own server to run this app (even though you can of course just run it locally). Note that MeinTurk is WIP, so features might change or be added at any point and there might be instabilities.
For criticism and suggestions email me: jannikmeinecke[@t]
- MiniBatching: Split HITs in Mini-HITs with only one click to save up to 20% of MTurk fees
- Web application: Work on your surveys from anywhere around the globe and have colleagues pitch in for help
- Softblocking: Tired of getting bad ratings because you block people? Use automatically assigned qualifications instead.
- Follow-up surveys: This tool makes it easier for you to make surveys dependant on each other.
- Automation: MeinTurk will do most of the legwork in the background, no need to individually manage workers.
- Other stuff: Full i18n support, Configurability, Batch archiving,
>pip install -r requirements.txt
Now you can use the app by accessing on the browser of your choosing.
>cd <path>
>git clone
To make MeinTurk work in conjunction with your MTurk-Account you will need to configure the settings.cfg accordingly. Note that the first 4 lines are mandatory.
>cd <path>/<root>/flask_mturk/settings.cfg
Then paste the following (Use a newly created Qualification for the Softblock-ID):
DEFAULT_REJECTION_MESSAGE = 'The quality of your answer does not match our quality standards. Thank you for participating.'
>sudo python3 -m pip install -r <path>/<root>/requirements.txt
>sudo nano /etc/systemd/system/meinturk.service
Copy and paste the following snippet into the file:
Description=uWSGI instance to serve meinturk
ExecStart= /usr/bin/uwsgi --ini <path>/<root>/app.ini
>sudo nano /etc/nginx/nginx.conf
Paste this snippet right above the first definiton of the first server:
auth_basic "Restricted"; # OPTIONAL for password protection of the website
auth_basic_user_file /etc/nginx/.htpasswd; # OPTIONAL for password protection of the website
server {
server_name <YOURSERVER>;
location / {
include uwsgi_params;
uwsgi_pass unix:///var/run/meinturk.sock;
Make sure there are no errors in that file by validating it:
>sudo /usr/sbin/nginx -t -c /etc/nginx/nginx.conf
In case you did not put both of the optional lines into the file you can skip this step.
You will neeed htpasswd for this step, so if you do not have it right now go ahead and install it:
>sudo yum install httpd-tools
Now you can create the htpasswd-file:
>sudo htpasswd -c /etc/nginx/.htpasswd <USERNAME>
Use the chosen username and password to log into the website once it is up and running.
>sudo systemctl start meinturk
>sudo systemctl enable meinturk
to start the application and also make it start on every boot up.
Also make sure that nginx is running:
>sudo systemctl start nginx