This repository contains a Bazel rule for running a development server. It is intended to be used for local development, and is not intended for production use.
- Live-reload via
and a custom live-reload script. - Hot swappable JavaScript modules.
- Custom routes for any dependency in the BUILD rule's
- Bazel 6.0.0 or higher
- ibazel for live-reload
- Linux. This rule has not been tested on other operating systems.
workspace(name = "test_rules_devserver")
load("@bazel_tools//tools/build_defs/repo:http.bzl", "http_archive")
name = "rules_devserver",
strip_prefix = "rules_devserver-0.2.0",
urls = [""],
load("@rules_devserver//devserver:defs.bzl", "devserver")
name = "index",
srcs = ["index.html"],
visibility = ["//visibility:public"]
name = "bundle"
srcs = ["bundle.js"],
visibility = ["//visibility:public"]
name = "serve",
port = 8081,
workspace_name = "test_rules_devserver",
static_files = {
"/": [":index", "index.html"],
"/scripts/bundle.js": [":bundle", "bundle.js"]
data = [":index", ":bundle"]
The static_files
attribute is a dictionary of routes to files. The key is the route and the value is a tuple
of the [filegroup target, file name]. All targets in the static_files
attribute must also be in the data
ibazel run //:serve
Whenever a file in the data
attribute is changed, the server will be live-reloaded.
To hot swap a JavaScript module, add the a data attribute on the <script>
tag in the HTML file. For example:
<script type="module" data-hot-swap="true" src="/scripts/bundle.js"></script>
When the server is live-reloaded, the browser will hot swap the JavaScript module, and the host page itself will not reload.