Code to benchmark performance of low coverage imputation methods
git clone
cd lcimpbench
. activate ## requires python3, java, R to be in path, as well as GATK and RESULTS_DIR set. this sets them for my environment
./scripts/ ## see example activate script
./scripts/ # stub
## to rebuild
rm summary.txt
./ "-j 16" ## -j gives number of jobs. can do --dryrun as well to see options
- confirm licenses
- better dependency management (conda?)
- abstract out tool installation / use
- abstract out scenarios
- make output more comprehensive (e.g. split wrt allele frequency)
- make output r2 correct
- visualize output better
- increase robustness of sample download
- add test to check installation, tooling OK
- add in other tools (loimpute, STITCH when ready, etc)
- add null imputation tool to check r2 0 as appropriate
- add in other scenarios
- run multiple parameter options per tool
- run on VM / cloud / cluster
- auto run when committed to
- deal with edge / window / buffer effects
- handle multi-allelic SNPs
- handle indels