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Miniscript iterators: applying PR review suggestions
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dr-orlovsky committed Sep 5, 2020
1 parent 6edc698 commit b9d7d6a
Showing 1 changed file with 155 additions and 78 deletions.
233 changes: 155 additions & 78 deletions src/miniscript/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -14,7 +14,6 @@

use super::decode::Terminal;
use super::{Miniscript, MiniscriptKey, ScriptContext};
use std::collections::VecDeque;
use std::ops::Deref;
use std::sync::Arc;

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -51,30 +50,27 @@ impl<Pk: MiniscriptKey, Ctx: ScriptContext> Miniscript<Pk, Ctx> {
/// Enumerates all child nodes of the current AST node (`self`) and returns a `Vec` referencing
/// them.
pub fn branches(&self) -> Vec<&Miniscript<Pk, Ctx>> {
use Terminal::*;
match &self.node {
&PkK(_) | &PkH(_) | &Multi(_, _) => vec![],

&Alt(ref node)
| &Swap(ref node)
| &Check(ref node)
| &DupIf(ref node)
| &Verify(ref node)
| &NonZero(ref node)
| &ZeroNotEqual(ref node) => vec![node.deref()],

&AndV(ref node1, ref node2)
| &AndB(ref node1, ref node2)
| &OrB(ref node1, ref node2)
| &OrD(ref node1, ref node2)
| &OrC(ref node1, ref node2)
| &OrI(ref node1, ref node2) => vec![node1.deref(), node2.deref()],

&AndOr(ref node1, ref node2, ref node3) => {
vec![node1.deref(), node2.deref(), node3.deref()]
match self.node {
Terminal::PkK(_) | Terminal::PkH(_) | Terminal::Multi(_, _) => vec![],

Terminal::Alt(ref node)
| Terminal::Swap(ref node)
| Terminal::Check(ref node)
| Terminal::DupIf(ref node)
| Terminal::Verify(ref node)
| Terminal::NonZero(ref node)
| Terminal::ZeroNotEqual(ref node) => vec![node],

Terminal::AndV(ref node1, ref node2)
| Terminal::AndB(ref node1, ref node2)
| Terminal::OrB(ref node1, ref node2)
| Terminal::OrD(ref node1, ref node2)
| Terminal::OrC(ref node1, ref node2)
| Terminal::OrI(ref node1, ref node2) => vec![node1, node2],

Terminal::AndOr(ref node1, ref node2, ref node3) => vec![node1, node2, node3],

&Thresh(_, ref node_vec) => node_vec.iter().map(Arc::deref).collect(),
Terminal::Thresh(_, ref node_vec) => node_vec.iter().map(Arc::deref).collect(),

_ => vec![],
Expand All @@ -87,9 +83,9 @@ impl<Pk: MiniscriptKey, Ctx: ScriptContext> Miniscript<Pk, Ctx> {
/// To obtain a list of all public keys within AST use [`iter_pk()`] function, for example
/// `miniscript.iter_pubkeys().collect()`.
pub fn get_leaf_pk(&self) -> Vec<Pk> {
match self.node.clone() {
Terminal::PkK(key) => vec![key],
Terminal::Multi(_, keys) => keys,
match self.node {
Terminal::PkK(ref key) => vec![key.clone()],
Terminal::Multi(_, ref keys) => keys.clone(),
_ => vec![],
Expand All @@ -98,43 +94,93 @@ impl<Pk: MiniscriptKey, Ctx: ScriptContext> Miniscript<Pk, Ctx> {
/// Otherwise returns an empty `Vec`.
/// For each public key the function computes hash; for each hash of the public key the function
/// returns it's cloned copy.
/// returns it cloned copy.
/// NB: The function analyzes only single miniscript item and not any of its descendants in AST.
/// To obtain a list of all public key hashes within AST use [`iter_pkh()`] function,
/// for example `miniscript.iter_pubkey_hashes().collect()`.
pub fn get_leaf_pkh(&self) -> Vec<Pk::Hash> {
match self.node.clone() {
Terminal::PkH(hash) => vec![hash],
Terminal::PkK(key) => vec![key.to_pubkeyhash()],
Terminal::Multi(_, keys) => keys.iter().map(Pk::to_pubkeyhash).collect(),
match self.node {
Terminal::PkH(ref hash) => vec![hash.clone()],
Terminal::PkK(ref key) => vec![key.to_pubkeyhash()],
Terminal::Multi(_, ref keys) => keys.iter().map(Pk::to_pubkeyhash).collect(),
_ => vec![],

/// Returns `Vec` of [PubkeyOrHash] entries, representing either public keys or public key
/// Returns `Vec` of [PkPkh] entries, representing either public keys or public key
/// hashes, depending on the data from the current miniscript item. If there is no public
/// keys or hashes, the function returns an empty `Vec`.
/// NB: The function analyzes only single miniscript item and not any of its descendants in AST.
/// To obtain a list of all public keys or hashes within AST use [`iter_pk_pkh()`]
/// function, for example `miniscript.iter_pubkeys_and_hashes().collect()`.
pub fn get_leaf_pk_pkh(&self) -> Vec<PkPkh<Pk>> {
use self::PkPkh::*;
match self.node.clone() {
Terminal::PkH(hash) => vec![HashedPubkey(hash)],
Terminal::PkK(key) => vec![PlainPubkey(key)],
Terminal::Multi(_, keys) => keys.into_iter().map(PlainPubkey).collect(),
match self.node {
Terminal::PkH(ref hash) => vec![PkPkh::HashedPubkey(hash.clone())],
Terminal::PkK(ref key) => vec![PkPkh::PlainPubkey(key.clone())],
Terminal::Multi(_, ref keys) => keys
.map(|key| PkPkh::PlainPubkey(key.clone()))
_ => vec![],

/// Returns `Option::Some` with cloned n'th public key from the current miniscript item,
/// if any. Otherwise returns `Option::None`.
/// NB: The function analyzes only single miniscript item and not any of its descendants in AST.
pub fn get_nth_pk(&self, n: usize) -> Option<Pk> {
match (&self.node, n) {
(&Terminal::PkK(ref key), 0) => Some(key.clone()),
(&Terminal::Multi(_, ref keys), _) => keys.get(n).cloned(),
_ => None,

/// Returns `Option::Some` with hash of n'th public key from the current miniscript item,
/// if any. Otherwise returns `Option::None`.
/// For each public key the function computes hash; for each hash of the public key the function
/// returns it cloned copy.
/// NB: The function analyzes only single miniscript item and not any of its descendants in AST.
pub fn get_nth_pkh(&self, n: usize) -> Option<Pk::Hash> {
match (&self.node, n) {
(&Terminal::PkH(ref hash), 0) => Some(hash.clone()),
(&Terminal::PkK(ref key), 0) => Some(key.to_pubkeyhash()),
(&Terminal::Multi(_, ref keys), _) => keys.get(n).map(Pk::to_pubkeyhash),
_ => None,

/// Returns `Option::Some` with hash of n'th public key or hash from the current miniscript item,
/// if any. Otherwise returns `Option::None`.
/// NB: The function analyzes only single miniscript item and not any of its descendants in AST.
pub fn get_nth_pk_pkh(&self, n: usize) -> Option<PkPkh<Pk>> {
match (&self.node, n) {
(&Terminal::PkH(ref hash), 0) => Some(PkPkh::HashedPubkey(hash.clone())),
(&Terminal::PkK(ref key), 0) => Some(PkPkh::PlainPubkey(key.clone())),
(&Terminal::Multi(_, ref keys), _) => {
keys.get(n).map(|key| PkPkh::PlainPubkey(key.clone()))
_ => None,

/// Iterator for traversing all [Miniscript] miniscript AST references starting from some specific
/// node which constructs the iterator via [Miniscript::iter] method.
pub struct Iter<'a, Pk: 'a + MiniscriptKey, Ctx: 'a + ScriptContext> {
next: Option<&'a Miniscript<Pk, Ctx>>,
path: Vec<(&'a Miniscript<Pk, Ctx>, usize)>,
// Here we store vec of path elements, where each element is a tuple, consisting of:
// 1. Miniscript node on the path
// 2. It's branches stored as a vec (used for avoiding multiple vec allocations
// during path traversal)
// 3. Index of the current branch
path: Vec<(&'a Miniscript<Pk, Ctx>, Vec<&'a Miniscript<Pk, Ctx>>, usize)>,

impl<'a, Pk: MiniscriptKey, Ctx: ScriptContext> Iter<'a, Pk, Ctx> {
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -167,23 +213,24 @@ impl<'a, Pk: MiniscriptKey, Ctx: ScriptContext> Iterator for Iter<'a, Pk, Ctx> {
/// +--> K
/// ```
/// `Iter::next()` will iterate over the nodes in the following order:
/// `A > B > C > D > E > F > G > I > J > K`
/// `A > B > C > D > E > F > G > H > I > J > K`
/// To enumerate the branches iterator uses [Miniscript::branches] function.
fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item> {
let mut curr =;
if let None = curr {
while let Some((node, child)) = self.path.pop() {
curr = node.branches().get(child).map(|x| *x);
while let Some((node, branches, child)) = self.path.pop() {
curr = branches.get(child).map(|x| *x);
if curr.is_some() {
self.path.push((node, child + 1));
self.path.push((node, branches, child + 1));
if let Some(node) = curr { = node.branches().first().map(|x| *x);
self.path.push((node, 1));
let branches = node.branches(); = branches.first().map(|x| *x);
self.path.push((node, branches, 1));
Expand All @@ -193,14 +240,17 @@ impl<'a, Pk: MiniscriptKey, Ctx: ScriptContext> Iterator for Iter<'a, Pk, Ctx> {
/// constructs the iterator via [Miniscript::iter_pk] method.
pub struct PkIter<'a, Pk: 'a + MiniscriptKey, Ctx: 'a + ScriptContext> {
node_iter: Iter<'a, Pk, Ctx>,
keys_buff: VecDeque<Pk>,
curr_node: Option<&'a Miniscript<Pk, Ctx>>,
key_index: usize,

impl<'a, Pk: MiniscriptKey, Ctx: ScriptContext> PkIter<'a, Pk, Ctx> {
fn new(miniscript: &'a Miniscript<Pk, Ctx>) -> Self {
let mut iter = Iter::new(miniscript);
PkIter {
node_iter: Iter::new(miniscript),
keys_buff: VecDeque::new(),
node_iter: iter,
key_index: 0,
Expand All @@ -209,30 +259,40 @@ impl<'a, Pk: MiniscriptKey, Ctx: ScriptContext> Iterator for PkIter<'a, Pk, Ctx>
type Item = Pk;

fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item> {
if self.keys_buff.is_empty() {
self.keys_buff = VecDeque::from(loop {
let data =;
if !data.is_empty() {
break data;
loop {
match self.curr_node {
None => break None,
Some(node) => match node.get_nth_pk(self.key_index) {
None => {
self.curr_node =;
self.key_index = 0;
Some(pk) => {
self.key_index += 1;
break Some(pk);

/// Iterator for traversing all [MiniscriptKey] hashes in AST starting from some specific node which
/// constructs the iterator via [Miniscript::iter_pkh] method.
pub struct PkhIter<'a, Pk: 'a + MiniscriptKey, Ctx: 'a + ScriptContext> {
node_iter: Iter<'a, Pk, Ctx>,
keyhashes_buff: VecDeque<Pk::Hash>,
curr_node: Option<&'a Miniscript<Pk, Ctx>>,
key_index: usize,

impl<'a, Pk: MiniscriptKey, Ctx: ScriptContext> PkhIter<'a, Pk, Ctx> {
fn new(miniscript: &'a Miniscript<Pk, Ctx>) -> Self {
let mut iter = Iter::new(miniscript);
PkhIter {
node_iter: Iter::new(miniscript),
keyhashes_buff: VecDeque::new(),
node_iter: iter,
key_index: 0,
Expand All @@ -241,15 +301,22 @@ impl<'a, Pk: MiniscriptKey, Ctx: ScriptContext> Iterator for PkhIter<'a, Pk, Ctx
type Item = Pk::Hash;

fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item> {
if self.keyhashes_buff.is_empty() {
self.keyhashes_buff = VecDeque::from(loop {
let data =;
if !data.is_empty() {
break data;
loop {
match self.curr_node {
None => break None,
Some(node) => match node.get_nth_pkh(self.key_index) {
None => {
self.curr_node =;
self.key_index = 0;
Some(pk) => {
self.key_index += 1;
break Some(pk);

Expand All @@ -267,14 +334,17 @@ pub enum PkPkh<Pk: MiniscriptKey> {
/// [Miniscript::iter_keys_and_hashes] method.
pub struct PkPkhIter<'a, Pk: 'a + MiniscriptKey, Ctx: 'a + ScriptContext> {
node_iter: Iter<'a, Pk, Ctx>,
buff: VecDeque<PkPkh<Pk>>,
curr_node: Option<&'a Miniscript<Pk, Ctx>>,
key_index: usize,

impl<'a, Pk: MiniscriptKey, Ctx: ScriptContext> PkPkhIter<'a, Pk, Ctx> {
fn new(miniscript: &'a Miniscript<Pk, Ctx>) -> Self {
let mut iter = Iter::new(miniscript);
PkPkhIter {
node_iter: Iter::new(miniscript),
buff: VecDeque::new(),
node_iter: iter,
key_index: 0,

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -307,15 +377,22 @@ impl<'a, Pk: MiniscriptKey, Ctx: ScriptContext> Iterator for PkPkhIter<'a, Pk, C
type Item = PkPkh<Pk>;

fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item> {
if self.buff.is_empty() {
self.buff = VecDeque::from(loop {
let data =;
if !data.is_empty() {
break data;
loop {
match self.curr_node {
None => break None,
Some(node) => match node.get_nth_pk_pkh(self.key_index) {
None => {
self.curr_node =;
self.key_index = 0;
Some(pk) => {
self.key_index += 1;
break Some(pk);

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