A REST API made with Django for a tutorial on Codementor.
These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes.
Things you need to install the Web App
- Python3
- Pip
- Homebrew(MacOS)
- Virtualenv
- Django 1.11
- Django REST Framework
- Python 3
- PostgreSQL
Settingup virtual
- Virtual environment - Setting up virtual environment
- Pip
- Homebrew
- Python3 Say what the step will be
1. cd into the project directory (
2. Activate virtaulenv (source/ <venv name>/bin/activate
3. Install requirements (pip install requirements.txt)
4. Run on localhost (python manage.py runserver <host>)
Testing can be done using Postman - Learning Postman
All the comtributions are most welcome.
Rupesh Mangal - rupeshcode