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About the project

Update history

1.0 This work incorporated my personal preference and removed the need to serve markdown indirectly. Also relatively convenient and portable.

1.1 Now the repo is serving as a subfolder, which leaves your work directory (markdown and html) cleaner.

1.2 Centered around a new html-rich "" file, with +js,css customizable scripts. Also have to strip down to plain markdown file.

Thanks to theno's selection of tools and jgm's pandoc for converting markdown to html.


plain text

  • 1
    • 1.1
      • 1.1.1
  • formula
    • $e^{ \pm i\theta } = \cos \theta \pm i\sin \theta$
    • $\displaystyle F1=\frac{2PrecisionRecall}{Precision+Recall} = \frac{2TP}{2TP+FP+FN}$
  1. d1
    1. d2
      1. d3
        1. d4
          1. d5


Contact Rui for any questions 😊



apt update && apt intall curl wget pandoc # sudo if needed

Download the release

# download the latest release to subfolder [reveal_slides]
curl -s \
| grep "tarball_url" \
| cut -d \" -f 4 \
| xargs wget -qO - | tar zxvf - && \
mv `ls -td *reveal_slides*/ | head -1` reveal_slides

Prepare your markdown

If you don't have any, you can copy the included example to your work directory:

cp reveal_slides/ . # template needed to create slides
cp reveal_slides/slide*.html . # pre-rendered html slides

Make one single revealjs slidedeck

bash reveal_slides/ # [input markdown] [output html]

Optional positional arguments allow you to pass other markdown file and output html. If not provided, default to [] and output to [slide.html]. The script content is shown below:

#!/usr/bin/env bash
echo "self, scpt=${0}"; scpt=${0}
FI=${}; echo "arg1, fille_input=$FI"
FO=${2:-${FI%.*}.html}; echo "arg2, file_output=$FO"

SCRIPT_DIR=$( cd -- "$( dirname -- "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" )" &> /dev/null && pwd )

cat ${SCRIPT_DIR}/revealjs_before.html > ${FO}
pandoc -f markdown -t revealjs --no-highlight --number-sections --slide-level 3 ${FI} >> ${FO}
cat ${SCRIPT_DIR}/revealjs_after.html >> ${FO}

Make multiple revealjs slidedecks

bash reveal_slides/ # [input markdown] [output html] [heading split level, 0-nosplit, 1-split@heading1 '#']

This allows you to further split at high heading levels, for example, "#". As a result, the input markdown file will be split into multiple markdown files and lower-level headings will move up accordingly.

# topic 1
## section 1.1
## section 1.2
# topic 2
## section 2.1
# section 1.1
# section 1.2
# section 2.1

Strip html tags for plain markdown

python3 reveal_slides/ # [input markdown with html] [output markdown without html]

This removes all style blocks, any line starts or ends with '<' or '>', and convert img tag src="pic.jpg" to markdown styled ![](pic.jpg).

Check the results

  • You should be able to directly open the output html in any browser. The subfolders [css, js, lib, plugin] are required for the html file to function properly.

  • "#" heading 1 may require the entire slide without any other content for the verticle movement to work (2-level hierachy).