These instructions are written for a Linux platform. Similar steps may be taken for MacOS or Windows.
Get the source from this repository.
git clone
All commands documented here are executed from this directory.
cd st-edge
Update all submodules of this repository.
git submodule update --init --recursive
Install the latest smartthings-cli.
curl -L | tar xzf - | install /dev/stdin smartthings
If needed, create a new distribution CHANNEL for these packages.
./smartthings edge:channels:create
Assign these DRIVER packages to a distribution channel.
./smartthings edge:channels:assign
Enroll your SmartThings HUB in this distribution channel.
./smartthings edge:channels:enroll
Install this package on your SmartThings hub.
# create as makefile suggests and
make install
SmartThings uses an old version of lua (5.3) that is likely not to be supported by your Linux distribution. Build from the source.
curl | tar xzf -
(cd lua-5.3.6; make linux)
(cd lua-5.3.6; make install INSTALL_TOP=$(realpath ..)/tools)
Build luarocks from our submodule.
(cd modules/luarocks; ./configure --help)
(cd modules/luarocks; ./configure --with-lua=$(realpath ../../tools) --prefix=$(realpath ../../tools))
(cd modules/luarocks; make install)
tools/bin/luarocks init
Install SmartThings supported modules (
./luarocks install cosock
./luarocks install dkjson
./luarocks install logface
./luarocks install luasec
./luarocks install luasocket
Install luacheck tool.
./luarocks install luacheck
Example luacheck usage.
./lua_modules/bin/luacheck src/init.lua
Debug as much of the code in the development environment as possible. Visual Studio Code workspaces are provided. Set the LUALOG environment variable to see log messages through the DEBUG level.
LUALOG=DEBUG code workspace.code-workspace
Extensions: Search: Lua Debug (actboy168): Install