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Use private event loop for chrome_print(async=FALSE) (#127)
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* Use private event loop for chrome_print(async=FALSE)

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jcheng5 authored and RLesur committed Oct 17, 2019
1 parent 49c87a3 commit 562113f
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Showing 3 changed files with 94 additions and 74 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion DESCRIPTION
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ Description: Use the paged media properties in CSS and the JavaScript
pages. Each page can have its page size, page numbers, margin boxes, and
running headers, etc. Applications of this package include books, letters,
reports, papers, business cards, resumes, and posters.
Imports: rmarkdown (>= 1.14), bookdown (>= 0.8), htmltools, jsonlite, later,
Imports: rmarkdown (>= 1.11), bookdown (>= 0.8), htmltools, jsonlite, later (>= 1.0.0),

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RLesur Oct 18, 2019


I missed to update #127 with the updated rmarkdown version. I'll fix that.

processx, servr (>= 0.13), httpuv, xfun, websocket
Suggests: promises, testit, xaringan
License: MIT + file LICENSE
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2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,6 +1,8 @@
# CHANGES IN pagedown VERSION 0.6


- The `chrome_print()` function internally uses a private event loop provided by `later` 1.0.0 when `async=FALSE` (thanks, @jcheng5, #127).

# CHANGES IN pagedown VERSION 0.5

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164 changes: 91 additions & 73 deletions R/chrome.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -86,86 +86,104 @@ chrome_print = function(
if (!is_remote_protocol_ok(debug_port, verbose = verbose))
stop('A more recent version of Chrome is required. ')

ws = websocket::WebSocket$new(get_entrypoint(debug_port), autoConnect = FALSE)
close_ws = function() {
if (verbose >= 1) message('Closing websocket connection')

if (file.exists(input)) {
is_html = function(x) grepl('[.]html?$', x)
url = if (is_html(input)) input else rmarkdown::render(
input, envir = parent.frame(), encoding = 'UTF-8'
if (!is_html(url)) stop(
"The file '", url, "' should have the '.html' or '.htm' extension."
svr = servr::httd(
dirname(url), daemon = TRUE, browser = FALSE, verbose = verbose >= 1,
port = random_port(), initpath = httpuv::encodeURIComponent(basename(url))
stop_server = function(...) {
if (verbose >= 1) message('Closing local webserver')
# If !async, use a private event loop to drive the websocket. This is
# necessary to separate later callbacks relevant to chrome_print, from any
# other callbacks that have been scheduled before entering chrome_print; the
# latter must not be invoked while inside of any synchronous function,
# including chrome_print(async=FALSE).
# It's also critical that none of the code inside with_temp_loop waits on a
# promise that originates from outside the with_temp_loop, as it will cause
# the code inside to hang. And finally, no promise from inside with_temp_loop
# should escape to the outside either, as with_temp_loop uses a truly "temp"
# loop--it will be destroyed when with_temp_loop completes.
# Therefore, if async, it's important NOT to use a private event loop.
with_temp_loop_maybe <- if (async) identity else later::with_temp_loop


ws = websocket::WebSocket$new(get_entrypoint(debug_port), autoConnect = FALSE)
close_ws = function() {
if (verbose >= 1) message('Closing websocket connection')
on.exit(stop_server(), add = TRUE)
url = svr$url
} else url = input # the input is not a local file; assume it is just a URL

format = match.arg(format)
# remove hash/query parameters in url
if (missing(output) && !file.exists(input))
output = xfun::with_ext(basename(gsub('[#?].*', '', url)), format)
output2 = normalizePath(output, mustWork = FALSE)
if (!dir.exists(d <- dirname(output2)) && !dir.create(d, recursive = TRUE)) stop(
'Cannot create the directory for the output file: ', d

if ((format == 'pdf') && !all(c(missing(selector), missing(box_model), missing(scale))))
warning('For "pdf" format, arguments `selector`, `box_model` and `scale` are ignored.', call. = FALSE)

box_model = match.arg(box_model)

pr = NULL
res_fun = function(value) {} # default: do nothing
rej_fun = function(reason) {} # default: do nothing
if (async) {
pr_print = promises::promise(function(resolve, reject) {
res_fun <<- resolve
rej_fun <<- function(reason) reject(paste('Failed to generate output. Reason:', reason))
pr_timeout = promises::promise(function(resolve, reject) {
~reject(paste('Failed to generate output in', timeout, 'seconds (timeout).')),
if (file.exists(input)) {
is_html = function(x) grepl('[.]html?$', x)
url = if (is_html(input)) input else rmarkdown::render(
input, envir = parent.frame(), encoding = 'UTF-8'
pr = promises::promise_race(pr_print, pr_timeout)
promises::finally(pr, close_ws)
if (!is_html(url)) stop(
"The file '", url, "' should have the '.html' or '.htm' extension."
svr = servr::httd(
dirname(url), daemon = TRUE, browser = FALSE, verbose = verbose >= 1,
port = random_port(), initpath = httpuv::encodeURIComponent(basename(url))
stop_server = function(...) {
if (verbose >= 1) message('Closing local webserver')
on.exit(stop_server(), add = TRUE)
url = svr$url
} else url = input # the input is not a local file; assume it is just a URL

format = match.arg(format)
# remove hash/query parameters in url
if (missing(output) && !file.exists(input))
output = xfun::with_ext(basename(gsub('[#?].*', '', url)), format)
output2 = normalizePath(output, mustWork = FALSE)
if (!dir.exists(d <- dirname(output2)) && !dir.create(d, recursive = TRUE)) stop(
'Cannot create the directory for the output file: ', d

t0 = Sys.time(); token = new.env(parent = emptyenv())
print_page(ws, url, output2, wait, verbose, token, format, options, selector, box_model, scale, res_fun, rej_fun)
if ((format == 'pdf') && !all(c(missing(selector), missing(box_model), missing(scale))))
warning('For "pdf" format, arguments `selector`, `box_model` and `scale` are ignored.', call. = FALSE)

box_model = match.arg(box_model)

pr = NULL
res_fun = function(value) {} # default: do nothing
rej_fun = function(reason) {} # default: do nothing
if (async) {
pr_print = promises::promise(function(resolve, reject) {
res_fun <<- resolve
rej_fun <<- function(reason) reject(paste('Failed to generate output. Reason:', reason))
pr_timeout = promises::promise(function(resolve, reject) {
~reject(paste('Failed to generate output in', timeout, 'seconds (timeout).')),
pr = promises::promise_race(pr_print, pr_timeout)
promises::finally(pr, close_ws)

if (async) {
t0 = Sys.time(); token = new.env(parent = emptyenv())
print_page(ws, url, output2, wait, verbose, token, format, options, selector, box_model, scale, res_fun, rej_fun)

while (!isTRUE(token$done)) {
if (!is.null(e <- token$error)) stop('Failed to generate output. Reason: ', e)
if (as.numeric(difftime(Sys.time(), t0, units = 'secs')) > timeout) stop(
'Failed to generate output in ', timeout, ' seconds (timeout).'
if (async) {

while (!isTRUE(token$done)) {
if (!is.null(e <- token$error)) stop('Failed to generate output. Reason: ', e)
if (as.numeric(difftime(Sys.time(), t0, units = 'secs')) > timeout) stop(
'Failed to generate output in ', timeout, ' seconds (timeout).'


#' Find Google Chrome or Chromium in the system
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