Releases: rptashkin/facets2n
Releases · rptashkin/facets2n
- up version and R man documentation
- squash 🐛 for undefined column when refX==FALSE
- squash 🐛 for missing fields when --MandUnormal is excluded
- determine patient sex by proportion of het chrX snps instead of raw counts
✨ add support for incorporation of donor sample(s) with transplant cases
- Add option to select best sex matched reference normal for chrX norm
- Modified jointsegsummary to be faster (using indices instead of tapply)
- procSample modified to get the cumulative segment indicator from seg
- Fixed the emcncf 'missing value where TRUE/FALSE needed' error
- relaxed snp-pileup DP threshold for reference normals to 1 read from 10
- disabled low coverage filtering of SNPs, ndepth parameter in call to preProcSample() can be used
- updated test data after snp-pileup changes
- bugfix for use of unmatched normals without reference data
Algorithm to implement Fraction and Allelic Copy number Estimate from Tumor/normal Sequencing. Package created to test FACETS with both matched and unmatched normal.
This implementation of FACETS requires a tumor sample, matched normal and user defined number of unmatched normal samples.
✨ The normal sample with computed minimal noise is selected for copy number log2 ratio calculations, while the matched normal is always selected for VALOR calculation. At present, autosomes and chromosome X are normalized separately.
🚧 (beta) infer sex from matched normal sample, and select an unmatched normal with same sex for chrX normalization.