This is the capstone project from the third module of the Microverse Program.
Covid-19 Metrics is an API based web app that fetches information about covid-19 cases in the United Kingdom and renders this information in a UI. It's Home page displays confirmed cases for the United Kingdom and its regions. Each region has a Details page to which you can navigate by clicking on the region cards displayed in the Home page. When you navigate to one of the region details pages, the app will render more specific details for that particular region. Region details include information like confirmed cases, deaths, and recovered patients.
- JavaScript
- React-Redux
To get a local copy up and running follow these simple example steps.
- Clone this repository using this URL
or download it as a ZIP from the "Code" tab and extract the files.
- Once get the repository in your PC. Navigate to it running
cd covid-metrics/
. - Make sure to checkout to the desired branch running
git checkout {BRANCH_NAME}
on your terminal. - Run
npm install
on the terminal to install the project dependencies. - Run
npm run start
to see the web app running in your browser.
👤 Rubén D. Pire L.
- GitHub: @rpire
- Twitter: @RubenPire7
- LinkedIn: Rubén Darío Pire López
Contributions, issues, and feature requests are welcome!
Feel free to check the issues page.
Give a ⭐️ if you like this project!
- To Nelson Sakwa, since the whole website is based on his design.
This project is MIT licensed.