Welcome to my GitHub profile!
I'm Nick Cully, a passionate self taught Web Developer with a love for open-source projects and solving complex problems through programming. I have a passion for Engineering and quite literally using the mind to fix real world issues and turn things inside my head into reality, not just in programming but I also have a few 3D printers that I use to build all sorts of fun things, including many different puzzles, models, and even a fully functioning cutaway of a Rolls Royce Jet Engine!
- 🌱 I'm currently learning new technologies and expanding my knowledge in various programming languages, such as JavaScript and Node.js.
- 💼 I currently work as a Aircraft Welder as well as contribute to open source projects and build my own projects through Github.
- 🔭 I'm currently working on [RestStop and WeatherSphere], as well as finding interesting projects to contribute to as well.
Here are some of my notable repositories:
- RestStop 🛑: [A user-friendly web application designed to help individuals quickly locate nearby bathrooms in their area. Inspired by Jonas Schmedttman's "mapty" app, RestStop offers an intuitive map interface, filtering options, and user reviews to streamline the process of finding restrooms, whether you're on a road trip or exploring a new city. With features like favorite saving and mobile accessibility, RestStop ensures a convenient and hassle-free experience for users in need of restroom facilities.].
- WeatherSphere ⛈️: [WeatherSphere is a comprehensive weather application that provides real-time weather information and forecasts for cities around the world. Get accurate temperature readings, detailed weather descriptions, and a 7-day forecast at your fingertips. The app also allows you to switch between metric and imperial units for temperature measurements, ensuring you receive weather updates in your preferred format. With an intuitive interface and visually appealing design, WeatherSphere keeps you informed about the elements, no matter where you are.].
- Guess-My-Number ❓: [Simple game that allows the user to pick a difficulty setting and guess a number between the difficulty range (1-20 for Easy, 1-50 for Medium, and 1-1000 for Hard)].
I have contributed to various open-source projects, including:
- First Contributions: [Very first contribution to an open source project, I added my name to the contributors list].
- [Project 2 Name](Link to Project 2): [Brief description of Project 2].
- [Project 3 Name](Link to Project 3): [Brief description of Project 3].
Feel free to connect with me on social media or drop me an email. I'm always open to collaborations and exciting projects.
- E-mail: [rphscullyni@gmail.com]
- LinkedIn: [www.linkedin.com/in/nick-cully-65926aa4]
I hope you find something useful or interesting in my repositories!. Don't forget to star any repositories you like and leave a comment if you have any questions or suggestions.
Happy coding!