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Fourier plugin for GIMP (compatible with GIMP2.2 and GIMP3.0)

Use | Install on Windows | Install on Linux | Install from source | Maintainers instructions | History & Thanks

What it does

It does a direct and reverse Fourier Transform. It allows you to work in the frequency domain. For instance, it can be used to remove moiré patterns from images scanned from books. (See README.Moire)


It adds 2 items in the filters menu:

  • Filters/Generic/FFT Forward
  • Filters/Generic/FFT Inverse


Installation of pre-built binaries


Binaries for windows are provided as separate packages. Please download the 32bits or 64bits according to you GIMP version (this is not related to Windows version). Altough the GIMP API is quite stable, the binaries are not, and the plugin binaries must be updated to new GIMP versions (some will work, some won't). The GIMP version is indicated in the package filename. Download the binaries that fits the best to your GIMP version. Just copy the fourier folder (containing fourier.exe and libfftw3-3.dll) in the plugins directory of either:

  • your personal gimp directory (ex: .gimp-2.2\plug-ins or .gimp-3.0\plug-ins),
  • or in the global directory (C:\Program Files\GIMP-2.2\lib\gimp\2.0\plug-ins or C:\Program Files\GIMP-3.0\lib\gimp\3.0\plug-ins)


  • Fedora repository: sudo yum install gimp-fourier-plugin (by the Fedora community)
  • Debian/Ubuntu pre-built package: download the deb file and install with sudo dpkg -i gimp-plugin-fourier_0.4.5-1_amd64.deb
  • and other distributions like openSUSE, slack, ArchLinux, Enterprise Linux, Guix and NixOS by experimental packages by their communities (see repology list).

Installation from source code

Windows GIMP3 | Windows GIMP2 | Linux GIMP3 | Linux GIMP2

You will need the fftw3 package, and the development packages of gimp, fftw3, and glib. You may use the autotools build system, or use the simplified gimptool build system.

Windows - GIMP3

To build with msys2 environment:

msys2 -c "pacman -Suy"
msys2 -c "pacman -S --noconfirm mingw-w64-x86_64-toolchain"
msys2 -c "pacman -S --noconfirm mingw-w64-x86_64-gimp3"
msys2 -c "pacman -S --noconfirm mingw-w64-x86_64-fftw"
msys2 -mingw64 -c 'echo $(gimptool-3.0 -n --build fourier.c) -lfftw3 -O3 | sh'
msys2 -mingw64 -c 'cp `which libfftw3-3.dll` .'
msys2 -c "pacman -Scc"

Windows - GIMP2

Note: with the release of GIMP 3.0, GIMP 2 have been removed from msys2

To build with msys2 environment:

msys2 -c "pacman -Suy"
msys2 -c "pacman -S --noconfirm mingw-w64-x86_64-toolchain"
msys2 -c "pacman -S --noconfirm mingw-w64-x86_64-gimp=2.10.36"
msys2 -c "pacman -S --noconfirm mingw-w64-x86_64-fftw"
msys2 -mingw64 -c 'echo $(gimptool-2.0 -n --build fourier.c) -lfftw3 -O3 | sh'
msys2 -mingw64 -c 'cp `which libfftw3-3.dll` .'
msys2 -c "pacman -Scc"

To build with ./configure and xgettext:

msys2 -c "pacman -S --noconfirm mingw-w64-x86_64-autotools"
msys2 -c "pacman -S --noconfirm mingw-w64-x86_64-gettext-tools"

This is for 64bits version ; replace x86_64 by i686 and -mingw64 by -mingw32 if you want 32bits. Replace also 2.10.36 by your GIMP version (or leave empty for latest version)

Also, the windows binaries are built through GitHub Actions, so you may also fork this repository and build the plugin on your own.

Linux - GIMP3

The gimp3 version is built with --enable-gimp3-fourier configure option.

You will need the fftw3 package, and the development packages of gimp, fftw3, and glib For instance, on debian/ubuntu : sudo apt-get install libfftw3-dev libgimp-3.0-dev

Then if you cloned this repo, starts with the commands below. If you downloaded the tar package, you may skip this step and go to the second one.

autoreconf -i  (or use 'autoreconf --install --force' for more modern setups)
automake --foreign -Wall

And then:

./configure --enable-gimp3-fourier
make strip
sudo make install

Linux - GIMP2

You will need the fftw3 package, and the development packages of gimp, fftw3, and glib For instance, on debian/ubuntu : sudo apt-get install libfftw3-dev libgimp2.0-dev

Then if you cloned this repo, starts with the commands below. If you downloaded the tar package, you may skip this step and go to the second one.

autoreconf -i  (or use 'autoreconf --install --force' for more modern setups)
automake --foreign -Wall

And then:

make strip
sudo make install

If you have non-standard GIMP plug-ins directory, you may have to add --bindir=/usr/lib/gimp/2.0/plug-ins to the configure command (replace by your plug-ins path)

Release notes for GIMP3

A simple port have been made. It does not currently use the new features of GIMP3. I am waiting for the GIMP3 plugin developer documentation (not available yet), to see if a rewrite with new standards and features will be useful or not.

The plugin is unified can now be compiled for both GIMP2 or GIMP3 (the gimptool maybe named differently depending on your distribution). There are draft versions with seperate plugins or with includes in the git history. The GIMP3 part have been adapted from the hot.c bundled plugin

Note that plugin must be in a folder, and plugin exe must have the same name as the folder

To install GIMP3 dev packages on mingw64:

  • Use package mingw-w64-x86_64-gimp3 instead of mingw-w64-x86_64-gimp3 ; you will need to uninstall GIMP2 dev packages before as there is some file conflicts: msys2 -c "pacman -R --noconfirm mingw-w64-x86_64-gimp && pacman -S --noconfirm mingw-w64-x86_64-gimp3"
  • To switch back to GIMP2 dev packages: msys2 -c "pacman -R --noconfirm mingw-w64-x86_64-gimp3 && pacman -S --noconfirm mingw-w64-x86_64-gimp"

The configure script has been made compatible to build both gimp2 and gimp3 version. For now, as GIMP3 has not been released, the default is to build GIMP2 plugin, even on the gimp2.99 branch. To switch tobuild the GIMP3 plugin with configure, use the option --enable-gimp3-fourier:

./configure --enable-gimp3-fourier
make strip
sudo make install


To create a distributable gimp-plugin-fourier-{version}.tar.gz file, you will need to do these steps: First, update the MAJOR.MINOR version in, and then:

$  wget -O config.guess ';a=blob_plain;f=config.guess;hb=HEAD'
$  wget -O config.sub ';a=blob_plain;f=config.sub;hb=HEAD'
$ autoreconf -i
$ automake --foreign -Wall
$ ./configure
$ make dist
$ ls -l

You should see a tar file named gimp-fourier-plugin-0.4.4.tar.gz in the same directory. To verify that the dist package contains all files and nothing is missing, test build it....

$ tar -xzf gimp-fourier-plugin-0.4.4.tar.gz
$ cd gimp-fourier-plugin-0.4.4
$ ./configure --bindir=/usr/lib/gimp/2.0/plug-ins
$ make
$ sudo make install

If no errors, then copy gimp-fourier-plugin-0.4.4.tar.gz to your release webpage. NOTE: rpm spec file Source0 URL links to this file.


  • Build & install make clean && make && make install-user
  • Run Gimp GIMP_PLUGIN_DEBUG=fourier,run gimp
  • Run plugin
  • Attach fourier process to gdb (in vscode with debug gdb)

Note: optimization removes some variables and add some difficulties to debug, but I did not manage to get the plugin to compille with -O0 (getting link errors with local functions...)


You should always use packages of your distribution.

Sample debian & rpm specification files are provided in this repository. Those files can be useful as a guide for distribution maintainers for their first version or notable changes but are not reference for all distributions.

If you want to build a package for yourself, to test that it works as should work, you can follow the information below

Debian package

See tutorial here:

And run:

make deb

rpm package

See reference here:

What you would need to do is:

  • make dist or make distcheck
  • copy the .tar.gz file into the ~/rpmbuild/SOURCES/ directory
  • copy the rpm/.rpm file into the ~/rpmbuild/SPECS/ directory
  • run rpmbuild -ba ~/rpmbuilds/SPECS/gimp*-fourier-plugin.rpm


*  (Nov 2024): merged GIMP3 version with 3.0rc1 publication (but plugin code is still iso)
*  (May 2024): first version of GIMP3 compatibility (iso)
*  v0.4.5 (Mar 2024): fix selection overflow ([#6](
*  v0.4.4 (Aug 2022):
    - Replaced deprecated functions
    - Autotools toolchain and initial_rpm.spec file by Joe Da Silva
    - Github action workflow to build gimp-fourier-plugin
*  v0.4.3 (Apr 2014); Makefile patch by bluedxca93 (-lm arg for ubuntu 13.04)
*  v0.4.2 (Feb 2012); Makefile patch by Bob Barry (gcc arg order)
*  v0.4.1 (Jan 2010): Patch by Martin Ramshaw
    - Select Gray after transform + doc
*  v0.4.0 (Oct 2009): Patch by Edgar Bonet
    -  No Fourier coefficient is lost
    -  Reordered the data in a more natural way
*  v0.3.2 (Feb 2009):
    - Officialized distribution under GPL
    - Fixed Makefile by using pkg-config instead of gimptool
*  v0.3.1 (Dec 2007):
   - Zero initialize padding by Rene Rebe
   - Windows compatibility, inverse remove parasite, cosmetics (Mar 2005)
*  v0.3.0 (Aug 2005): dynamic boosting from Alex Fernández
   - Dynamic boosted normalization : loss of quality is now un-noticeable
   - Removed the need of parasite information
*  v0.2.0 (Mar 2005): Many improvements from Mogens Kjaer
    - Moved to gimp-2.2
    - Handles RGB and grayscale images
    - Scale factors stored as parasite information
    - Columns are swapped
* v0.1.3 (Oct 2004): Moved to gimp-2.0 (Linux only)
* v0.1.2 (May 2002): Minor modifications by Mogens Kjaer
* v0.1.1 (Feb 2022): First release of this plugin

Many thanks to Mogens Kjaer, Alex Fernández, Rene Rebe, Edgar Bonet, Martin Ramshaw, Bob Barry, bluedxca93 and Joe Da Silva for their contributions.

French readers may also interested by this article that describes the way the plugin works (even it is a little outdated as a GIMP parasite is used to store the scale factor instead of the former 'magic pixel')