This project demonstrates how a complete CICD infrastructure can be setup using AWS. The infrastructure is provisioned using AWS CDK.
The following stacks are included in the project
- vpcStack: a stack creating a VPC with private and public subnets that hosts the infrastructure for the CICD platform
- artifactRepoStack: An artifact repository in which build Maven artifacts are put into
- cicdStack: A stack containing of elements required to provide a CICD platform based on the AWS supplied products. The CICD stack depends on the other stacks included in this repository
Ensure aws-cdk is installed and bootstrapped. It is important that the aws-cdk cli version matches the cdk dependencies
defined in the package.json
In the cdk bootstrap
phase a S3 bucket is created that will hold the created Cloud Formation templates.
$ npm install -g aws-cdk
$ cdk bootstrap
The following environment parameters must be set before other commands are run:
Name | Description | Example Value |
PROJECT_NAME | The name of the project to provision | cicdProject |
NOTIFICATION_EMAIL | An email address to which a notification about a failed build will be send. The variable is only required if PROJECT_NAME is set to cicdProject | |
GITHUB_REPO | The name of the Github repo to which to connect to with OAuth2 in order to trigger a build on a change to the repository. The repo name can be extracted from the Github URL:<owner>/<repo> |
JSONB-integration.git |
GITHUB_OWNER | The Github user can be extracted from the Github URL:<owner>/<repo> |
john_doe |
Before the changes are rolled out, check the generated Cloud Formation Template:
$ npm run synth
Then build and deploy either the whole application:
$ npm run deploy
or single stacks:
$ npm run deploy -- cicdStack
In the end destroy the stack:
$ npm run destroy