The main code is for a Bertrand oligopoly market/ prisoner’s dilemma game. There are 6 apps to this game:
- 3 player game
- 4 player game
- 2 player and 1 bot game
- 3 player and 1 bot game
- demographics
- uncertain
What you will find in the above betrand_* apps are how to :
- shuffle players for different rounds
- define functions in group and player class
- integrate a 'bot' or define function to make decisions based on the player's decision
- use previous rounds for calculations
- defining vars_for_template() to use in pages
- select a random round for each participant for the payoff
- create a random number
- generate weighted numbers for groups with given probability
- take the sum of all rounds and sum of particular rounds
- implement other apps in the same game- see demographics and uncertain
- use particiapnt.vars to carry data from one app to another
- convert ECU to real currency
- create a slider in the html page- see uncertain
For more details on how to use oTree, please see:
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