A routing and transcoding platform for live video streaming. Nginx is used to receive RTMP streams and a Node.js server provides coordination and management capabilities.
At the moment the server component is a simple demonstration of the incoming events from nginx. In the future the server will provide the following functionality:
- Authentication & Authorisation (control who's allowed to publish and/or play)
- Routing of streams (spawning and commanding ffmpeg containers to receive the incoming stream, and re-stream to a destination)
- Backend to a UI front-end to configure the routing plane
git clone git@github.com:rosswilson/tributary.git
cd tributary
docker-compose up
A docker image is built for each service and they're made available at the below URLs:
Service | URL |
nginx-rtmp | http://localhost:9101/stat |
api-server | http://localhost:9102/status |
Publish to a test stream:
ffmpeg -re -i big_buck_bunny.mp4 -c copy -an -f flv rtmp://
Then use VLC to play the stream: rtmp://
Observe the server events that're received for connect, publish, play, and done events.