Shiny app for visualization voxel-based analysis results.
To use this shiny app you should have results of your analysis as nifti file in MNI space (197x233x189), where per every voxel your stored result value in corresponding coordinate.
In data folder create new directory results and per every nifti image of your results make separate folder in put image there:
----apoe4_p_value.nii.gz \
By default VBMplots app asume that image contain p-values therefore apply -log10 transformation. To skip transformation step add in your server.R file to "Read_region_data" and "Read_data" function additional parameter data_type='not p-value'
install shiny library :
import library:
Navigate to parent directory of VBMplots folder and run app:
Check the example: AD SNPs plots
You can easily change the atlas for brain region labeling for you own one (in this case the result image could be in any space and have any resolution). Use Atlas.txt table as example to make and replace by your own table linked to your Atlas. Then replace Atlas.nii.gz image with your atlas, where voxel value coded structure from your Atlas table.