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Library Management System

This is a MERN stack application built for easy and effctive Library management.

Website Link:



  • This application employs clustering technique for load balancing, resulting in close to zero downtime for the website.
  • The frontend uses code splitting to speed up the initial render and prevent the loading of irrelevant code in the browser for the user.


The application uses JsonWebTokens (JWT) for authentication to enhance security. Data validation and schema description libraries JOI and YUP are utilized to prevent any unauthorized data processing by the server.

Special Features

  • Realtime E-Book(PDF) viewing in browser
  • OAuth2.0 Google SignIn
  • Server sends 10:00am reminder emails to users with due books everyday.
  • Server sends an email at 00:00 am to users who have no active plan.


The application caters to two types of users: Librarians and Patrons (General public). Both groups have access to different features tailored to their specific needs. The following is a list of features and their explanations for each type of user:

a. Issue - The ability to issue books to users.
b. Return - The ability to un-issue books from users.
c. Requested Books - The ability to view books requested by users.
d. Cancel Request - The ability to cancel any requested book.
e. Issued Books - Access to a list of all issued books.
f. Un-Issued Books - Access to a list of all un-issued books.
g. Add Book - The ability to add books to the inventory.
h. Add E-Book - The ability to add e-book for a particular book
i. Delete Book - The ability to delete books from the inventory.
j. All Users - Access to a list of all users enrolled in the library.
k. Delete User - The ability to delete a user from the library.
l. Newsletter - The ability to publish news to all subscribed users.
m. Inventory - Access to a list of all books in the library with the ability to search and filter based on various parameters.
n. Activity Logs - The ability to view the library's transaction logs.
o. Subscibers List - Access to a list of all subscribed users.
p. Block Users - The ability to block or unblock users.
q. Update Stock - The ability to update the quantity of books in the inventory.
r. Update Subscription plan - The ability to update subscription plan for users. 

Patrons (General User):
a. Request - The ability to request a book.
b. Issued Books - Access to a list of all books issued by them.
c. Inventory - Access to a list of all books in the Library.
d. Unsubscribe - The ability to unsubscribe from the library news.
e. Forgot PassWord - The ability to reset their password in case of forgetting it.
f. Rating Books - The ability to rate books they have issued.
g. Contact - The ability to contact the admin at any time.
h. Related Books - The ability to view all books related to a specific genre.
i. Review - The ability to rate and comment on books they have issued.
j. View E-Book - Users can view PDF of their issued books in realtime


This frontend of this website is hosted on Netlify and backend is hosted on Adaptable.

Getting Started



  • redux-toolkit
  • react-router-dom
  • Material UI
  • react-toastify
  • react-pdf
  • formik
  • yup
  • axios


  • JsonWebTokens(JWT)
  • Joi
  • bcryptjs
  • mongoose
  • express-async-handler
  • nodemailer
  • node-cron
  • cors
  • axios
  • multer
  • multer-gridfs-storage

Dev Dependencies

  • nodemon


  • Windows 10
  • Any Code Editor


For backend clone the repository by running the following command

git clone

For Frontend clone the repository by running the following command

git clone

Then run the below command at the root of both backend and frontend to install all the dependencies

npm install

Executing program

to run the Backend excute the following command in the root folder of backend

npm run srever

Make the following changes before running the frontend in your local machine

API_URL = http://localhost:{PORT_NUMBER}/

In authService.js, adminService.js and userService.js
to run the Frontend excute the following command in the root folder of frontend

npm run start

Future Scope

These are following features which can be added further to this web-app to make it better.

  • Caching Data
  • Database Indexing
  • Cookies
  • Implement Subscription Plan/Model
  • Include fine payment
  • Verify Email
  • Include SMS feature


Contributors names and contact info

Roshan Ravi Shetty
LinkedIn: E-mail: Mobile No.: +91 99306 56759


  • Automatic re-routing to unsubscribe route

Version History

  • 0.1
    • Initial Release
  • 0.2
    • Second Release
  • 0.3
    • Third Release
  • 0.4
    • Fourth Release


This project is licensed under the [MIT] License - see the file for details


Inspiration, code snippets, etc.