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added test suite, first cut of grid (just column/row for now), and ca…
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…lculator demo from tkdocs
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roseman committed Dec 1, 2011
1 parent 572c890 commit e87b448
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Showing 6 changed files with 229 additions and 17 deletions.
28 changes: 28 additions & 0 deletions demo2.tcl
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@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@

wtk::wm title . "Feet to Meters"
wtk::grid [wtk::frame .c -padding "3 3 12 12"] -column 0 -row 0 -sticky nwes
wtk::grid columnconfigure . 0 -weight 1; wtk::grid rowconfigure . 0 -weight 1

wtk::grid [wtk::entry .c.feet -width 7 -textvariable feet] -column 2 -row 1 -sticky we
#wtk::grid [wtk::entry .c.feet -textvariable feet] -column 2 -row 1 -sticky we
#.c.feet configure -width 7
wtk::grid [wtk::label .c.meters -textvariable meters] -column 2 -row 2 -sticky we
wtk::grid [wtk::button .c.calc -text "Calculate" -command calculate] -column 3 -row 3 -sticky w

wtk::grid [wtk::label .c.flbl -text "feet"] -column 3 -row 1 -sticky w
wtk::grid [wtk::label .c.islbl -text "is equivalent to"] -column 1 -row 2 -sticky e
wtk::grid [wtk::label .c.mlbl -text "meters"] -column 3 -row 2 -sticky w

foreach w [wtk::winfo children .c] {wtk::grid configure $w -padx 5 -pady 5}
wtk::focus .c.feet
wtk::bind . <Return> {calculate}

proc calculate {} {
if {[catch {
set ::meters [expr {round($::feet*0.3048*10000.0)/10000.0}]
}]!=0} {
set ::meters ""

2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions index.html
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Expand Up @@ -11,6 +11,7 @@ <h1>wtk (web Tk) demo</h1>
<h2>Demo wtk applications</h2>
<li><a href="demo1.html">demo1.html</a> (follow link to run)
<li><a href="demo2.html">demo2.html</a> (feet to meters calculator from tkdocs)

<h2>Code overview</h2>
Expand All @@ -22,6 +23,7 @@ <h2>Code overview</h2>
wtk interpreter for this client on the server and waits for further instructions.</td></tr>
<tr><td><a href="src.html?f=wtk.js">wtk.js</a></td><td>Javascript library for the client side of wtk.</td></tr>
<tr><td><a href="src.html?f=demo1.tcl">demo1.tcl</a></td><td>wtk code for the specific demo application, run in a separate interpreter on the server for each client.</td></tr>
<tr><td><a href="src.html?f=demo2.tcl">demo2.tcl</a></td><td>feet to meters calculator from tkdocs site</td></tr>
<tr><td><a href="src.html?f=wtk.tcl">wtk.tcl</a></td><td>Application (server) side of wtk, which implements the Tk-like API, sending to and receiving messages
from the Javascript code on the web side.</td></tr>
<tr><td><a href="src.html?f=httpd.tcl">httpd.tcl</a></td><td>Generic minihttpd.tcl-based webserver (nothing wtk specific).</td></tr>
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8 changes: 5 additions & 3 deletions server.tcl
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Expand Up @@ -38,6 +38,8 @@ proc webhandler {op sock} {
switch -exact -- $url {
"/" {httpd return $sock [filecontents index.html]}
"/demo1.html" {httpd return $sock [newSession demo1.tcl demo1.html]}
"/demo2.html" {httpd return $sock [newSession demo2.tcl demo1.html]}
"/demox.html" {httpd return $sock [newSession demox.tcl demo1.html]}
"/wtk.js" {httpd return $sock [filecontents wtk.js] -mimetype "text/javascript"}
"/wtkpoll.html" {if !{[sendany $sock $query(sessionid)]} {error "pending"}}
"/wtkcb.html" {fromclient $query(sessionid) $query(cmd)}
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -67,7 +69,7 @@ proc newSession {script webpage} {
$interp eval source wtk.tcl
$interp alias sendto toclient $sessionid
$interp eval wtk::init sendto
$interp eval source $script
if {[catch {$interp eval source $script}]!=0} {puts $::errorInfo}
return [string map "%%%SESSIONID%%% $sessionid" [filecontents $webpage]]

Expand All @@ -77,15 +79,15 @@ proc newSession {script webpage} {
# This is called when the client wants to send its application instance a message (via
# the /wtkcb.html callback in this case), typically an event like a button press.
# We invoke the 'wtk::fromclient' routine in the instance's interpreter to process it.
proc fromclient {sessionid cmd} {[dict get $::session($sessionid) interp] eval wtk::fromclient [list $cmd]}
proc fromclient {sessionid cmd} {puts "CLIENT: $cmd"; [dict get $::session($sessionid) interp] eval wtk::fromclient [list $cmd]}

# toclient -- Send Javascript commands from an app instance to the web client
# This is called when the application instance wants to send its client a message,
# in the form of a Javascript command. The message is queued and the actual
# sending is taken care of by the next routine.
proc toclient {sessionid cmd} {dict append ::session($sessionid) msgq $cmd}
proc toclient {sessionid cmd} {puts "SERVER: $cmd"; dict append ::session($sessionid) msgq $cmd}

# sendany -- Deliver messages to the client queued by 'toclient'
Expand Down
12 changes: 10 additions & 2 deletions wtk.js
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Expand Up @@ -41,9 +41,17 @@ var wtk = {
createEntry : function(id, txt) { wtk.CreateWidget(id, 'input', txt,'value').onkeyup = function() {wtk.entryChanged(id);}; },
entryChanged : function(id) { wtk.sendto('EVENT '+id+' value '+wtk.widgets[id].value); },

createFrame : function(id) { wtk.CreateWidget(id, 'div', '', '');},

* Grid placeholder; for now we simply add a slave as the last child of its master.
* Grid .
griditup : function(master,slave) { wtk.widgets[master].appendChild(wtk.widgets[slave]); }

newGrid : function(parent,id) {
var w = document.createElement('table'); = id;


123 changes: 111 additions & 12 deletions wtk.tcl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -22,6 +22,18 @@ namespace eval ::wtk {
wtk::Widget "." ""
return ""

# for debugging
proc _reset {} {
variable wobj; variable widgets; variable _nextid; variable _sender
foreach {id w} [array get wobj] {$w destroy}
unset -nocomplain widgets
unset -nocomplain wobj
set _nextid -1
GridState _reset
init $_sender
return ""

proc toclient {cmd} {uplevel #0 $wtk::_sender [list $cmd]}

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -51,11 +63,12 @@ namespace eval ::wtk {
return ""
method id {} {return $id}
method jsobj {} {return "\$('#[$self id]')"}
method jqobj {} {return "\$('#[$self id]')"}
method jsobj {} {return "wtk.widgets\['[$self id]'\]"}

# text variable handling; only relevant if the main types delegate these options to us
option -text -configuremethod _textchanged
option -textvariable
option -textvariable -configuremethod _textvarset
method _textchanged {opt txt {fromwidget 0}} {
set options($opt) $txt;
if {$created && !$fromwidget} {wtk::toclient [$wobj _textchangejs $txt]}
Expand All @@ -76,10 +89,18 @@ namespace eval ::wtk {
uplevel #0 trace add variable $options(-textvariable) write [list [list $self _textvariablechanged]]
method _textvarset {opt var} {
set options($opt) $var
$self _setuptextvar

proc getwidget {id} {return $wtk::wobj($id)}

proc wm {args} {# placeholder}
proc winfo {args} {# placeholder}
proc focus {args} {# placeholder}
proc bind {args} {# placeholder}

# Stuff for defining different widget types here
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -112,34 +133,112 @@ namespace eval ::wtk {
option -command
method _createjs {} {return "wtk.createButton('[$self id]','[$self cget -text]');"}
method _textchangejs {txt} {return "[$self jsobj].html('$txt');"}
method _textchangejs {txt} {return "[$self jqobj].html('$txt');"}
method _event {which} {if {$which eq "pressed"} {uplevel #0 $options(-command)}}

# Label widgets
snit::type label {
method _createjs {} {return "wtk.createLabel('[$self id]','[$self cget -text]');"}
method _textchangejs {txt} {return "[$self jsobj].html('$txt');"}
method _textchangejs {txt} {return "[$self jqobj].html('$txt');"}

# Entry widgets
snit::type entry {
method _createjs {} {return "wtk.createEntry('[$self id]','[$self cget -text]');"}
method _textchangejs {txt} {return "[$self jsobj].val('$txt');"}
option -width -configuremethod _widthchanged
method _createjs {} {set r "wtk.createEntry('[$self id]','[$self cget -text]');"; if {$options(-width)!=""} {append r "[$self jsobj].size=$options(-width);"};return $r}
method _textchangejs {txt} {return "[$self jqobj].val('$txt');"}
method _event {which args} {if {$which eq "value"} {$self _textchanged -text $args 1}}
method _widthchanged {opt val} {set options($opt) $val; if {[$self _created?]} {wtk::toclient "[$self jsobj].size=$val;"}}

# Frame
snit::type frame {
option -padding
method _createjs {} {return "wtk.createFrame('[$self id]');"}

# Place a slave inside its master. Right now this doesn't process any actual grid options.
proc grid {w args} {
variable widgets
set w [namespace tail $w]
set parent [join [lrange [split $w .] 0 end-1] .]
if {$parent eq ""} {set parent "."}
if {![info exists widgets($parent)]} {error "no parent widget found"}
if {![$w _created?]} {$w _create}
wtk::toclient "wtk.griditup('[$parent id]', '[$w id]');"
switch -exact -- $w {
"columnconfigure" {}
"rowconfigure" {}
default {
set w [namespace tail $w]
set parent [join [lrange [split $w .] 0 end-1] .]
if {$parent eq ""} {set parent "."}
if {![info exists widgets($parent)]} {error "no parent widget found"}
if {![$w _created?]} {$w _create}
if {[dict keys $args -column]==""} {dict set args -column 0}
if {[dict keys $args -row]==""} {dict set args -row 0}
###wtk::toclient "wtk.griditup('[$parent id]','[$w id]');"
[GridState for $parent] addSlave $w {*}$args
return ""

# internal state kept for each master
snit::type GridState {
typevariable states
typemethod for {w} {
if {![info exists states($w)]} {set states($w) [GridState %AUTO% $w]}
return $states($w)
typemethod _reset {} {foreach i [$type info instances] {$i destroy}; unset states}

variable rows {}
variable columns {}
variable slaves ; # array
variable tabledata {}
variable master
variable id
constructor {w} {set master $w; set id [string map "obj grid" [$w id]] }
method jqobj {} {return "\$('#$id')"}
method jsobj {} {return "\$('#$id')\[0\]"}
method _debug {} {return [list master $master rows $rows columns $columns slaves [array get slaves] tabledata $tabledata]}
method addSlave {w args} {
# TODO - verify slave is a descendant of us, handle -in, etc.
# NOTE: caller ensures we have a column and row
if {[dict keys $args -column] eq "" || [dict keys $args -row] eq ""} {error "need to supply -column and -row"}
set slaves($w) $args
set colnum [dict get $args -column]; set rownum [dict get $args -row]
#puts "\n BEFORE: $tabledata -> col=$colnum row=$rownum w=$w"
if {$colnum ni $columns} {$self _insertColumn $colnum}
if {$rownum ni $rows} {$self _insertRow $rownum}

set colidx [lsearch $columns $colnum]; set rowidx [lsearch $rows $rownum]
set row [lindex $tabledata $rowidx]
#puts " row=$row, colidx=$colidx"
set tabledata [lreplace $tabledata $rowidx $rowidx [lreplace $row $colidx $colidx [lreplace [lindex $row $colidx] 2 2 $w]]]
#puts " AFTER: $tabledata\n"
wtk::toclient "[$self jsobj].rows\[$rowidx\].cells\[$colidx\].appendChild(wtk.widgets\['[$w id]'\]);"
return ""
method _insertColumn {colnum} {
set columns [lsort -integer [concat $columns $colnum]]; set colidx [lsearch $columns $colnum]
set new ""; set rowidx 0
foreach i $tabledata {
lappend new [linsert $i $colidx [list $colidx 1 blank]]
wtk::toclient "[$self jsobj].rows\[$rowidx\].insertCell($colidx);"
incr rowidx
set tabledata $new
method _insertRow {rownum} {
if {$tabledata==""} {wtk::toclient "wtk.newGrid('[$master id]','$id');"}
set rows [lsort -integer [concat $rows $rownum]]; set rowidx [lsearch $rows $rownum];
wtk::toclient "[$self jsobj].insertRow($rowidx);"
set row ""; for {set i 0} {$i<[llength $columns]} {incr i} {
lappend row [list $i 1 blank]
wtk::toclient "[$self jsobj].rows\[$rowidx\].insertCell($i);"
lappend tabledata $row

Expand Down
73 changes: 73 additions & 0 deletions wtk.test
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@@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
package require tcltest
namespace import tcltest::*

package require control
control::control assert enabled 1
namespace import control::assert
proc assert_equal {expected actual} {if {[string equal $expected $actual]} {return ""} else {error "expected \"$expected\", got \"$actual\""}}
proc assert_match {matchexpr actual} {if {[regexp $matchexpr $actual]==1} {return ""} else {error "string did not match \"$matchexpr\""}}
proc assert_no_match {matchexpr actual} {if {[regexp $matchexpr $actual]!=1} {return ""} else {error "string did match \"$matchexpr\""}}

source wtk.tcl

set ::msgs ""
proc sendmsg {msg} {append ::msgs $msg}
proc jsmsgs {} {set r $::msgs; set ::msgs ""; return $r}
wtk::init sendmsg

test wtk-1.1 {button} {
assert_equal "::.b" [wtk::button .b -text "Hello World"]
assert_equal "" [jsmsgs]
assert_equal "" [wtk::grid .b]
assert_equal "wtk.createButton('obj1','Hello World')" [lindex [split [jsmsgs] ";"] 0]
assert_equal "" [.b configure -text "Goodbye"]
assert_equal {$('#obj1').html('Goodbye');} [jsmsgs]
} {}

test wtk-1.2 {label} {
assert_equal "::.l" [wtk::label .l -text "Blah"]
assert_equal "" [jsmsgs]
assert_equal "" [wtk::grid .l]
assert_equal "wtk.createLabel('obj2','Blah')" [lindex [split [jsmsgs] ";"] 0]
assert_equal "" [.l configure -text "New Text"]
assert_equal {$('#obj2').html('New Text');} [jsmsgs]
} {}

test wtk-1.3 {entry} {
assert_equal "::.e" [wtk::entry .e -text ""]
assert_equal "" [jsmsgs]
assert_equal "" [wtk::grid .e]
assert_equal "wtk.createEntry('obj3','')" [lindex [split [jsmsgs] ";"] 0]
assert_equal "" [.e configure -text "New Value"]
assert_equal {$('#obj3').val('New Value');} [jsmsgs]
} {}

test wtk-1.4 {entry w/ textvariable} {
assert {![info exists ::foo]}
assert_equal "" [.e configure -textvariable foo]
assert_equal "New Value" $::foo
set ::foo "Testing"
assert_equal "Testing" [.e cget -text]
assert_equal {$('#obj3').val('Testing');} [jsmsgs]
wtk::fromclient "EVENT obj3 value Even Newer Value"
assert_equal "Even Newer Value" $::foo
assert_equal "Even Newer Value" [.e cget -text]
} {}


test wtk-2.1 {grid debugging, start state} {
set ::GS [wtk::GridState for .]
$::GS _debug
} {master . rows {} columns {} slaves {} tabledata {}}

test wtk-2.2 {add a single widget at 0,0} {
wtk::button .b
assert_equal "" [$::GS addSlave .b -column 0 -row 0]
assert_equal {wtk.newGrid('obj0','grid0');$('#grid0')[0].insertRow(0);$('#grid0')[0].rows[0].insertCell(0);$('#grid0')[0].rows[0].cells[0].appendChild(wtk.widgets['obj1']);} [jsmsgs]
$::GS _debug
} {master . rows 0 columns 0 slaves {.b {-column 0 -row 0}} tabledata {{{0 1 .b}}}}


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