A little F# library for uploading images via Instagram's private API
This is basically just a (partial) port of https://github.com/mr0re1/pynstagram. It uses Instagram's private API, which they don't want you to do, so use at your own risk.
open System.IO
open System.Net
open Hallward.Uploader
let main argv =
async {
printf "(login) "
let! loginRes = Session.login "username" "password"
printf "%i %s\n" (int loginRes.Code) loginRes.Reason
if loginRes.Value.IsNone then return () else
let client = loginRes.Value.Value
use image = new FileStream(@"C:\path\to\whatever.jpg", FileMode.Open)
printf "(upload) "
let! uploadRes = Session.upload client "whatever.jpg" image
printf "%i %s\n" (int uploadRes.Code) uploadRes.Reason
if uploadRes.Code <> HttpStatusCode.OK then return () else
printf "(configure) "
let! configureRes = Session.configure client uploadRes.Value.Value "caption"
printf "%i %s\n" (int configureRes.Code) configureRes.Reason
} |> Async.RunSynchronously