Dockerfile to run an example sshagentca server.
This Dockerfile builds an example docker image for the
server forwarding
ssh agent certificate authority server. The resulting image has sshd
configured to run on port 48084 and sshagentca on port 2222.
The examples below show how to build and run the Docker image, how to connect to the sshagentca server to receive a user certificate, and then how to connect as the root user to the the sshd daemon running in the container.
You can use the briony
example user, with the provided public and
private ed25519 keys, or edit the example settings file.
To edit the settings file, add an existing or new ssh public key to a
new user entry in settings.yaml
. You will need to add the private key
counterpart to your ssh-agent when connecting to sshagentca. This user
must have a principal of root for this exemplar. For example
name: jane
sshpublickey: "ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1y.....mTGxxqyAtiw== test1"
- root
Now build the image:
docker build --tag sshagentca:0.0.7-beta ./
This will use a multi-stage build to first download the project source,
run the tests, build the go sshagentca
binary and then copy the binary
into a minimal alpine image.
Run the docker image
docker run -ti -p 2222:2222 -p 48084:48084 sshagentca:0.0.7-beta
$ eval $(ssh-agent)
Agent pid 2490112
$ ssh-add briony
Identity added: briony (
$ ssh-add -l
256 SHA256:Ye3VV0z4vDvAuiZYqw4ji2Ht/JlDTMNlpTZoeZR+bDs (ED25519)
$ ssh -A -p 2222
acmeinc ssh user certificate service
welcome, briony
certificate generation complete
run 'ssh-add -l' to view
$ ssh-add -l
256 SHA256:Ye3VV0z4vDvAuiZYqw4ji2Ht/JlDTMNlpTZoeZR+bDs (ED25519)
256 SHA256:wfFD6xj3qGNCli3WkRda8SMbRP6WwleZWU9dt9oJDZw acmeinc_briony_from:2022-05-24T06:06_to:2022-05-24T09:06UTC (ED25519-CERT)
$ ssh -p 48084 root@
Welcome to Alpine!
fd54c3009dc2:~# exit
This project is licensed under the MIT Licence.
Rory Campbell-Lange 21 May 2022