This plugin is basically a Javascript implementation of the Chessboard generator found on this page:
It extends markdown with PGN syntax, and inserts an <iframe>
showing the
Chess game, including variations, commends, annotations etc.
npm install --save remarkable remarkable-pgn
import Remarkable from 'remarkable';
import RemarkablePGN from 'remarkable-pgn';
const remarkable = new Remarkable();
remarkable.use(RemarkablePGN, { /* options */ });
PGN syntax:
# This is markdown
Include a PGN directly in the markdown text like this:
[Event "Chess Tournament"]
[Site "Chess Club"]
[Date "2016.01.01"]
[Round "1"]
[White "White Player"]
[Black "Black Player"]
[Result "*"]
1. e4 e5 2. Nf3 Nc6 3. Bc4