A REST api for retrieving data about movies and actors.
Uses an Entity framework code-first generated database, where some junction tables
have been created automatically, which enables us to use Linq navigational properties.
The tables of the databases is explained in the file db.cs, and the data structure of all the
tables is contained in the models folder.
The api contains the following endpoints:
All responses are in JSON format
ActorId : Integer
Name : String
BirthDate : String or null
DeathDate : String or null
Description : String, can be empty
ImageUrl : String or null
Empty if no matches.
Id : Integer
Key : String (Title)
Img : String or null
Date : String or null (Release date)
Title : String
Description : String, can be empty
PosterUrl : String or null
Released : String or null
BackDropUrl : String or null
Genres : Array of strings or null
Directors : Array of strings or null
Id : Integer
Key : String (Title)
Img : String or null
Date : String or null
Character : String
An array of the highest rated movies in the database sorted.
Empty if none;
Id: Integer
Title : String
Rating : Number
PosterUrl : String or empty
Genres : Array of strings
Count : Number (of matches in database)Page : (Array of matches)
Type : String ('movie' or 'actor')
Key : String (Title or Name)
Id : Integer
Img : String or null
Date : String or null
Frontend web app made with Vue, Vue router and Vue Resource, which uses the API.
- Contains a home page, where one can see highly rated movies, and click on them to be routed to a details page
- Searchbar where one can search for movies and actors
- Actor and Movie pages where one can see details about the actor/movie and their credits.