In order to run this you will need to run
pip install -r requirements.txt
for requirements installation
Then you will need to have at least one instance of a geoservice or authservice running.
This is important because otherwise though the server will start nothing will work.
You may need to recompile the protobufs by running python -m grpc_tools.protoc -I. --python_out=. --grpc_python_out=. geoService.proto --experimental_allow_proto3_optional
A list of string with the host and port for the instances of geoservices
A list of string with the host and port for the instances of authservices
A list of string with the host and port for the instances of stockservices
How much a call to a path will be done, alternating concrete service
In order to run it with the IDE or execute python
To run it from the IDE it should be enough to just to right click on the file you want to run and use Run
Ping ropa1998