This project provides tested and officially maintained scrapping services for all Clean News projects.
It does not add new logic to the source code, it just provides interfaces and implementations of objects that solve the scrapping process with objects that have working configurations.
First of all you will need to clone the project. Then you will want to build it
$ gradle shadowJar
This will build a jar file with all necessary dependencies, which you can find in clean-news-services/build/libs/clean-news-services-all.jar
You may want to use this jar in a CleanNews project, as for example, the clean-news-cli app.
Take the next example, which is part of a test of this project:
IMediumScrapperFactory mediumScrapperFactory = new RSSMediumScrapperFactory(webClient);
IMediumScrapper wallStreetJournalScrapper = mediumScrapperFactory.getWallStreetJournalScrapper();;
First of all, we have the IMediumScrapperFactory
, which is an interface that force all classes that implement it to be able to implement scrapper for all supported media.
Then, the RSSMediumScrapperFactory
is the preferred configuration, as it works against RSS instead of the web pages of the media.
Once we have the IMediumScrapper we want we later want to run it. The .run()
populates the scarpers with items, which in this case is IArticles
. The execution and instantiation are separated because of how expensive is the execution, so that the user can choose when to make this expensive call.
To understand common usage of the classes you might want to look at other Clean News projects source code or the test folders of this project.